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ASV_Strong : Judges 13


1. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] again[H3254] did[H6213] that which was evil[H7451] in the sight[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068]; and Jehovah[H3068] delivered[H5414] them into the hand[H3027] of the Philistines[H6430] forty[H705] years[H8141].

2. And there was a certain[H259] man[H376] of Zorah[H6881], of the family[H4940] of the Danites[H1839], whose name[H8034] was Manoah[H4495]; and his wife[H802] was barren[H6135], and bare not[H3205].

3. And the angel[H4397] of Jehovah[H3068] appeared[H7200] unto the woman[H802], and said[H559] unto her[H6135], Behold now, thou art barren, and bearest[H3205] not[H2029]; but thou shalt conceive, and bear[H3205] a son[H1121].

4. Now therefore beware[H8104], I pray thee[H8354], and drink no wine[H3196] nor strong drink[H7941], and eat[H398] not any unclean thing[H2931]:

5. for[H2030], lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear[H3205] a son[H1121]; and no razor[H4177] shall come[H5927] upon his head[H7218]; for the child[H5288] shall be a Nazirite[H5139] unto God[H430] from the womb[H990]: and he shall begin[H2490] to save[H3467] Israel[H3478] out of the hand[H3027] of the Philistines[H6430].

6. Then the woman[H802] came[H935] and told[H559] her husband[H376], saying[H559], A man[H376] of God[H430] came[H935] unto me[H4758], and his countenance was like the countenance[H4758] of the angel[H4397] of God[H430], very[H3966] terrible[H3372]; and I asked[H7592] him not whence he was[H5046], neither told he me his name[H8034]:

7. but he said[H559] unto me[H2030], Behold, thou shalt conceive, and bear[H3205] a son[H1121]; and now drink[H7941] no wine[H3196] nor strong drink[H8354], and eat[H398] not any unclean[H2932] thing[H5288]; for the child shall be a Nazirite[H5139] unto God[H430] from the womb[H990] to the day[H3117] of his death[H4194].

8. Then Manoah[H4495] entreated[H6279] Jehovah[H3068], and said[H559], Oh[H994], Lord[H3068], I pray thee[H4994], let the man[H376] of God[H430] whom thou didst send[H7971] come again[H935] unto us[H3384], and teach us what we shall do[H6213] unto the child[H5288] that shall be born[H3205].

9. And God[H430] hearkened[H8085] to the voice[H6963] of Manoah[H4495]; and the angel[H4397] of God[H430] came again[H935] unto the woman[H802] as she sat[H3427] in the field[H7704]: but Manoah[H4495] her husband was not with her[H376].

10. And the woman[H802] made haste[H4116], and ran[H7323], and told[H5046] her husband[H376], and said[H559] unto him[H376], Behold, the man hath appeared[H7200] unto me[H935], that came unto me the other day[H3117].

11. And Manoah[H4495] arose[H6965], and went[H3212] after[H310] his wife[H802], and came[H935] to the man[H376], and said[H559] unto him[H376], Art thou the man that spakest[H1696] unto the woman[H802]? And he said[H559], I am.

12. And Manoah[H4495] said[H559], Now let thy words[H1697] come to pass[H935]: what shall be the ordering[H4941] of the child[H5288], and how shall we do unto him[H4639]?

13. And the angel[H4397] of Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto Manoah[H4495], Of all that I said[H559] unto the woman[H802] let her beware[H8104].

14. She may not eat[H398] of anything that cometh[H3318] of the vine[H1612], neither let her drink[H8354] wine[H3196] or strong drink[H8354], nor eat[H398] any unclean[H2932] thing[H6680]; all that I commanded her let her observe[H8104].

15. And Manoah[H4495] said[H559] unto the angel[H4397] of Jehovah[H3068], I pray thee[H6113], let us detain thee[H6213], that we may make ready a kid[H1423] for thee[H6440].

16. And the angel[H4397] of Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto Manoah[H4495], Though thou detain[H6113] me[H398], I will not eat of thy bread[H3899]; and if[H518] thou wilt make ready[H6213] a burnt-offering[H5930], thou must offer[H6213] it unto Jehovah[H3068]. For Manoah[H4495] knew[H3045] not that he was the angel[H4397] of Jehovah[H3068].

17. And Manoah[H4495] said[H559] unto the angel[H4397] of Jehovah[H3068], What is thy name[H8034], that[H1697], when thy words come to pass[H935], we may do thee honor[H3513]?

18. And the angel[H4397] of Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto him[H7592], Wherefore askest thou after my name[H8034], seeing it is wonderful[H6383]?

19. So Manoah[H4495] took[H3947] the kid[H1423] with the meal-offering[H4503], and offered[H5927] it upon the rock[H6697] unto Jehovah[H3068]: and the angel did[H6213] wondrously[H6381], and Manoah[H4495] and his wife[H802] looked on[H7200].

20. For it came to pass[H3851], when the flame went up[H5927] toward heaven[H8064] from off the altar[H4196], that the angel[H4397] of Jehovah[H3068] ascended[H5927] in the flame[H3851] of the altar[H4196]: and Manoah[H4495] and his wife[H802] looked on[H7200]; and they fell on[H7200] their faces[H6440] to the ground[H776].

21. But the angel[H4397] of Jehovah[H3068] did no more[H3254] appear[H7200] to Manoah[H4495] or to his wife[H802]. Then Manoah[H4495] knew[H3045] that he was the angel[H4397] of Jehovah[H3068].

22. And Manoah[H4495] said[H559] unto his wife[H802], We shall surely[H4191] die[H4191], because we have seen[H7200] God[H430].

23. But his wife[H802] said[H559] unto him[H3863], If Jehovah[H3068] were pleased[H2654] to kill[H4191] us[H3947], he would not have received a burnt-offering[H5930] and a meal-offering[H5930] at our hand[H3027], neither would he have showed[H7200] us all these things[H6256], nor would at this time have told[H8085] such things as these[H2063].

24. And the woman[H802] bare[H3205] a son[H1121], and called[H7121] his name[H8034] Samson[H8123]: and the child[H5288] grew[H1431], and Jehovah[H3068] blessed him[H1288].

25. And the Spirit[H7307] of Jehovah[H3068] began[H2490] to move[H6470] him in[H4264] Mahaneh-dan[H1835], between Zorah[H6881] and Eshtaol[H847].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

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