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ASV_Strong : Revelation 11


1. And[G2532] there was given[G1325] me[G3427] a reed[G2563] like[G3364] unto a rod[G4464]: and one[G32, 2476] said[G3004], Rise[G1453], and[G2532] measure[G3354] the temple[G3485] of God[G2316], and[G2532] the altar[G2379], and[G2532] them that worship[G4352, 1722] therein[G846].

2. And[G2532] the court[G833] which is without[G2081] the temple[G3485] leave[G1544] without[G2081], and[G2532] measure[G3354] it[G846] not[G3361]; for[G3754] it hath been given[G1325] unto the nations[G1484]: and[G2532] the holy[G40] city[G4172] shall they tread under foot[G3961] forty[G5062] and two[G1417] months[G3376].

3. And[G2532] I will give[G1325] unto[G1417] my[G3450] two[G1417] witnesses[G3144], and[G2532] they shall prophesy[G4395] a thousand[G5507] two hundred[G1250] and threescore[G1835] days[G2250], clothed[G4016] in sackcloth[G4526].

4. These[G3778] are[G1526] the two[G1417] olive trees[G1636] and[G2532] the two[G1417] candlesticks[G3087], standing[G2476] before[G1799] the Lord[G2316] of the earth[G1093].

5. And[G2532] if[G1487] any man[G5100] desireth[G2309] to hurt[G91] them[G846], fire[G4442] proceedeth[G1607] out of[G1537] their[G846] mouth[G4750] and[G2532] devoureth[G2719] their[G846] enemies[G2190]; and[G2532] if[G1487] any man[G5100] shall desire[G2309] to hurt[G91] them[G846], in this manner[G3779] must[G1163] he[G846] be killed[G615].

6. These[G3778] have[G2192] the power[G1849] to shut[G2808] the heaven[G3772], that[G2443] it[G5205] rain[G1026] not[G3361] during[G1722] the days[G2250] of their[G846] prophecy[G4394]: and[G2532] they have[G2192] power[G1849] over[G1909] the waters[G5204] to turn[G4762] them[G846] into[G1519] blood[G129], and[G2532] to smite[G3960] the earth[G1093] with every[G3956] plague[G4127], as often[G3740] as[G1437] they shall desire[G2309].

7. And[G2532] when[G3752] they shall have finished[G5055] their[G846] testimony[G3141], the beast[G2342] that cometh[G305] up out of[G1537] the abyss[G12] shall make[G4160] war[G4171] with[G3326] them[G846], and[G2532] overcome[G3528] them[G846], and[G2532] kill[G615] them[G846].

8. And[G2532] their[G846] dead bodies[G4430] lie in[G1909] the street[G4113] of the great[G3173] city[G4172], which[G3748] spiritually[G4153] is called[G2564] Sodom[G4670] and[G2532] Egypt[G125], where[G3699] also[G2532] their[G2257] Lord[G2962] was crucified[G4717].

9. And[G2532] from among[G1537] the peoples[G2992] and[G2532] tribes[G5443] and[G2532] tongues[G1100] and[G2532] nations[G1484] do men look[G991] upon their[G846] dead bodies[G4430] three[G5140] days[G2250] and[G2532] a half[G2255], and[G2532, 863] suffer[G863] not[G3756] their[G846] dead bodies[G4430] to be laid[G5087] in[G1519] a tomb[G3418].

10. And[G2532] they[G3588] that dwell[G2730] on[G1909] the earth[G1093] rejoice[G5463] over[G1909] them[G846], and[G2532] make merry[G2165]; and[G2532] they shall send[G3992] gifts[G1435] one to another[G240]; because[G3754] these[G3778] two[G1417] prophets[G4396] tormented[G928] them[G3588] that dwell[G2730] on[G1909] the earth[G1093].

11. And[G2532] after[G3326] the three[G5140] days[G2250] and[G2532] a half[G2255] the breath[G4151] of[G1537] life[G2222] from God[G2316] entered[G1525] into[G1909] them[G846], and[G2532] they stood[G2476] upon[G1909] their[G846] feet[G4228]; and[G2532] great[G3173] fear[G5401] fell[G4098] upon[G1909] them[G3588] that beheld[G2334] them[G846].

12. And[G2532] they heard[G191] a great[G3173] voice[G5456] from[G1537] heaven[G3772] saying[G3004] unto them[G846], Come up[G305] hither[G5602]. And[G2532] they went up[G305] into[G1519] heaven[G3772] in[G1722] the cloud[G3507]; and[G2532] their[G846] enemies[G2190] beheld[G2334] them[G846].

13. And[G2532] in[G1722] that[G1565] hour[G5610] there[G1096] was a great[G3173] earthquake[G4578], and[G2532] the tenth part[G1182] of the city[G4172] fell[G4098]; and[G2532] there were killed[G615, 3686] in[G1722] the earthquake[G4578] seven[G2033] thousand[G5505] persons[G444]: and[G2532] the rest[G3062] were[G1096] affrighted[G1719], and[G2532] gave[G1325] glory[G1391] to the God[G2316] of heaven[G3772].

14. The second[G1208] Woe[G3759] is past[G565]: behold[G2400], the third[G5154] Woe[G3759] cometh[G2064] quickly[G5035].

15. And[G2532] the seventh[G1442] angel[G32] sounded[G4537]; and[G2532] there followed[G1096] great[G3173] voices[G5456] in[G1722] heaven[G3772], and[G2532] they said[G932], The kingdom of the world[G2889] is become[G1096] the kingdom of our[G2257] Lord[G2962], and[G2532] of his[G846] Christ[G5547]: and[G2532] he shall reign[G936] for[G1519] ever[G165] and ever[G165].

16. And[G2532] the four[G5064] and[G2532] twenty[G1501] elders[G4245], who sit[G2521] before[G1799] God[G2316] on[G1909] their[G846] thrones[G2362], fell[G4098] upon[G1909] their[G846] faces[G4383] and[G2532] worshipped[G4352] God[G2316],

17. saying[G3004], We give[G2168] thee[G4671] thanks[G2168], O Lord[G2962] God[G2316], the Almighty[G3841], who art[G5607] and[G2532] who wast[G2258]; [G2532, Exodus64] because[G3754] thou hast taken[G2983] thy[G4675] great[G3173] power[G1411], and[G2532] didst reign[G936].

18. And[G2532] the nations[G1484] were wroth[G3710], and[G2532] thy[G4675] wrath[G3709] came[G2064], and[G2532] the time[G2540] of the dead[G3498] to be judged[G2919], and[G2532] the time to give[G1325] their reward[G3408] to thy[G4675] servants[G1401] the prophets[G4396], and[G2532] to the saints[G40], and[G2532] to them[G3588] that fear[G5399] thy[G4675] name[G3686], the small[G3398] and[G2532] the great[G3173]; and[G2532] to destroy[G1311] them[G3588] that destroy[G1311] the earth[G1093].

19. And[G2532] there was opened[G455] the temple[G3485] of God[G2316] that is in[G1722] heaven[G3772]; and[G2532] there was seen[G3700] in[G1722] his[G846] temple[G3485] the ark[G2787] of his[G846] covenant[G1242]; and[G2532] there followed[G1096] lightnings[G796], and[G2532] voices[G5456], and[G2532] thunders[G1027], and[G2532] an earthquake[G4578], and[G2532] great[G3173] hail[G5464].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

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