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ASV_Strong : Joshua 9


1. And it came to pass[H4428], when all the kings that were beyond[H5676] the Jordan[H3383], in the hill-country[H2022], and in the lowland[H8219], and on all the shore[H2348] of the great[H1419] sea[H3220] in front[H4136] of Lebanon[H3844], the Hittite[H2850], and the Amorite[H567], the Canaanite[H3669], the Perizzite[H6522], the Hivite[H2340], and the Jebusite[H2983], heard thereof[H8085];

2. that they gathered[H6908] themselves together[H3162], to fight[H3898] with Joshua[H3091] and with Israel[H3478], with one[H259] accord[H6310].

3. But when the inhabitants[H3427] of Gibeon[H1391] heard[H8085] what Joshua[H3091] had done[H6213] unto Jericho[H3405] and to Ai[H5857],

4. they also did work[H6213] wilily[H6195], and went[H3212] and made as if they had been ambassadors[H6737], and took[H3947] old[H1087] sacks[H8242] upon their asses[H2543], and wine[H3196] - skins[H4997], old[H1087] and rent[H1234] and bound up[H6887],

5. and old[H1087] and patched[H2921] shoes[H5275] upon their feet[H7272], and old[H1087] garments[H8008] upon them[H3899]; and all the bread of their provision[H6718] was dry[H3001] and was become mouldy[H5350].

6. And they went[H3212] to Joshua[H3091] unto the camp[H4264] at Gilgal[H1537], and said[H559] unto him[H376], and to the men of Israel[H3478], We are come[H935] from a far[H7350] country[H776]: now therefore make[H3772] ye a covenant with us[H1285].

7. And the men[H376] of Israel[H3478] said[H559] unto the Hivites[H2340], Peradventure[H194] ye dwell[H3427] among[H7130] us[H3772]; and how shall we make a covenant with you[H1285]?

8. And they said[H559] unto Joshua[H3091], We are thy servants[H5650]. And Joshua[H3091] said[H559] unto them[H370], Who are ye? and from whence come ye[H935]?

9. And they said[H559] unto him[H3966], From a very far[H7350] country[H776] thy servants[H5650] are come[H935] because of the name[H8034] of Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430]: for we have heard[H8085] the fame[H8089] of him[H6213], and all that he did in Egypt[H4714],

10. and all that he did[H6213] to the two[H8147] kings[H4428] of the Amorites[H567], that were beyond[H5676] the Jordan[H3383], to Sihon[H5511] king[H4428] of Heshbon[H2809], and to Og[H5747] king[H4428] of Bashan[H1316], who was at Ashtaroth[H6252].

11. And our elders[H2205] and all the inhabitants[H3427] of our country[H776] spake[H559] to us[H559], saying, Take[H3947] provision[H6720] in your[H3027] hand for the journey[H1870], and go[H3212] to meet[H7125] them[H559], and say unto them[H5650], We are your servants: and now make[H3772] ye a covenant with us[H1285].

12. This our bread[H3899] we took hot[H2525] for our provision[H6679] out of our houses[H1004] on the day[H3117] we came forth[H3318] to go[H3212] unto you[H3001]; but now, behold, it is dry, and is become mouldy[H5350]:

13. and these wine[H3196] - skins[H4997], which we filled[H4390], were new[H2319]; and[H1234], behold, they are rent: and these our garments[H8008] and our shoes[H5275] are become old[H1086] by reason of the very[H3966] long[H7230] journey[H1870].

14. And the men[H582] took[H3947] of their provision[H6718], and asked[H7592] not counsel at the mouth[H6310] of Jehovah[H3068].

15. And Joshua[H3091] made[H6213] peace[H7965] with them[H3772], and made a covenant[H1285] with them[H2421], to let them live: and the princes[H5387] of the congregation[H5712] sware unto them[H7650].

16. And it came to pass at the end[H7097] of three[H7969] days[H3117] after[H310] they had made[H3772] a covenant[H1285] with them[H8085], that they heard that they were their neighbors[H7138], and that they dwelt[H3427] among them[H7130].

17. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] journeyed[H5265], and came[H935] unto their cities[H5892] on the third[H7992] day[H3117]. Now their cities[H5892] were Gibeon[H1391], and Chephirah[H3716], and Beeroth[H881], and Kiriath-jearim[H7157].

18. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] smote[H5221] them not[H5387], because the princes of the congregation[H5712] had sworn[H7650] unto them by Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478]. And all the congregation[H5712] murmured[H3885] against the princes[H5387].

19. But all the princes[H5387] said[H559] unto all the congregation[H5712], We have sworn[H7650] unto them by Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478]: now therefore we may[H3201] not touch them[H5060].

20. This we will do[H6213] to them[H2421], and let them live; lest wrath[H7110] be upon us[H7621], because of the oath which we sware unto them[H7650].

21. And the princes[H5387] said[H559] unto them[H2421], Let them live: so they became hewers[H2404] of wood[H6086] and drawers[H7579] of water[H4325] unto all the congregation[H5712], as the princes[H5387] had spoken unto them[H1696].

22. And Joshua[H3091] called[H7121] for them[H1696], and he spake unto them[H559], saying, Wherefore have ye beguiled[H7411] us[H559], saying, We are very[H3966] far[H7350] from you[H3427]; when ye dwell among us[H7130]?

23. Now therefore ye are cursed[H779], and there shall never fail[H3772] to be of you bondmen[H5650], both hewers[H2404] of wood[H6086] and drawers[H7579] of water[H4325] for the house[H1004] of my God[H430].

24. And they answered[H6030] Joshua[H3091], and said[H559], Because it was certainly[H5046] told[H5046] thy servants[H5650], how that Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] commanded[H6680] his servant[H5650] Moses[H4872] to give[H5414] you all the land[H776], and to destroy[H8045] all the inhabitants[H3427] of the land[H776] from before[H6440] you[H3966]; therefore we were sore afraid[H3372] for our lives[H5315] because[H6440] of you[H6213], and have done this thing[H1697].

25. And now[H2009], behold, we are in thy hand[H3027]: as it seemeth[H5869] good[H2896] and right[H3477] unto thee to do[H6213] unto us[H6213], do.

26. And so did[H6213] he unto them[H5337], and delivered them out of the hand[H3027] of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], that they slew them not[H2026].

27. And Joshua[H3091] made[H5414] them that day[H3117] hewers[H2404] of wood[H6086] and drawers[H7579] of water[H4325] for the congregation[H5712], and for the altar[H4196] of Jehovah[H3068], unto this day[H3117], in the place[H4725] which he should choose[H977].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

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