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ASV_Strong : 2 Timothy 4


1. I[G1473] charge[G1263] thee in[G1473] the sight[G1799] of God[G2316], and[G2532] of[G2962] Christ[G5547] Jesus[G2424], who shall[G3195] judge[G2919] the living[G2198] and[G2532] the dead[G3498], and[G2532] by his[G846] appearing[G2015] and[G2532] his[G846] kingdom[G932]:

2. preach[G2784] the word[G3056]; be urgent[G2186] in season[G2122], out of season[G171]; reprove[G1651], rebuke[G2008], exhort[G3870], with[G1722] all[G3956] longsuffering[G3115] and[G2532] teaching[G1322].

3. For[G1063] the time[G2540] will come[G2071] when[G3753] they will[G430] not[G3756] endure[G430] the sound[G5198] doctrine[G1319]; but[G235], having itching[G2833] ears[G189], will heap[G2002] to themselves[G1438] teachers[G1320] after[G2596] their own[G2398] lusts[G1939];

4. and[G2532] will turn away[G654] their ears[G189] from[G575] the truth[G225], and[G1161] turn[G1624] aside unto[G1909] fables[G3454].

5. But[G1161] be thou[G4771] sober[G3525] in[G1722] all things[G3956], suffer hardship[G2553], do[G4160] the work[G2041] of an evangelist[G2099], fulfil[G4135] thy[G4675] ministry[G1248].

6. For[G1063] I[G1473] am[G4689] already[G2235] being offered[G4689], and[G2532] the time[G2540] of my[G1699] departure[G359] is come[G2186].

7. I have fought[G75] the good[G2570] fight[G73], I have finished[G5055] the course[G1408], I have kept[G5083] the faith[G4102]:

8. henceforth[G3063] there is laid up[G606] for me[G3427] the crown[G4735] of righteousness[G1343], which[G3739] the Lord[G2962], the righteous[G1342] judge[G2923], shall give[G591] to me[G3427] at[G1722] that[G1565] day[G2250]; and[G1161] not[G3756] to me[G1698] only[G3440], but[G235] also[G2532] to all[G3956] them[G25] that have loved[G25] his[G846] appearing[G2015].

9. Give diligence[G4704] to come[G2064] shortly[G5030] unto[G4314] me[G3165]:

10. for[G1063] Demas[G1214] forsook[G1459] me[G3165], having loved[G25] this[G3588] present[G3568] world[G165], and[G2532] went[G4198] to[G1519] Thessalonica[G2332]; Crescens[G2913] to[G1519] Galatia[G1053], Titus[G5103] to[G1519] Dalmatia[G1149].

11. Only[G3441] Luke[G3065] is[G2076] with[G3326] me[G1700]. Take[G353] Mark[G3138], and[G353] bring[G71] him with[G3326] thee[G4572]; for[G1063] he is[G2076] useful[G2173] to me[G3427] for[G1519] ministering[G1248].

12. But[G1161] Tychicus[G5190] I sent[G649] to[G1519] Ephesus[G2181].

13. The cloak[G5341] that[G3739] I left[G620] at[G1722] Troas[G5174] with[G3844] Carpus[G2591], bring[G5342] when thou comest[G2064], and[G2532] the books[G975], especially[G3122] the parchments[G3200].

14. Alexander[G223] the coppersmith[G5471] did[G1731] me[G3427] much[G4183] evil[G2556]: the Lord[G2962] will render[G591] to him[G846] according to[G2596] his[G846] works[G2041]:

15. of[G5442] whom[G3739] do thou[G4771] also[G2532] beware[G5442]; for[G1063] he[G436] greatly[G3029] withstood[G436] our[G2251] words[G3056].

16. At[G1722] my[G3450] first[G4413] defence[G627] no one[G3762] took my[G3427] part[G4836], but[G235] all[G3956] forsook[G1459] me[G3427]: may[G3049] it not[G3361] be laid[G3049] to their account[G846].

17. But[G1161] the Lord[G2962] stood[G3936] by me[G3427], and[G2532] strengthened[G1743] me[G3165]; that[G2443] through[G1223] me[G1700] the message[G2782] might me fully proclaimed[G4135], and[G2532] that all[G3956] the Gentiles[G1484] might hear[G191]: and[G2532] I was delivered[G4506] out of[G1537] the mouth[G4750] of the lion[G3023].

18. [G2532] The Lord[G2962] will deliver[G4506] me[G3165] from[G575] every[G3956] evil[G4190] work[G2041], and[G2532] will save[G4982] me unto[G1519] his[G846] heavenly[G2032] kingdom[G932]: to whom[G3739] be the glory[G1391] for[G1519] ever[G165] and ever[G165]. Amen[G281].

19. Salute[G782] Prisca[G4251] and[G2532] Aquila[G207], and[G2532] the house[G3624] of Onesiphorus[G3683].

20. Erastus[G2037] remained[G3306] at[G1722] Corinth[G2882]: but[G1161] Trophimus[G5161] I left[G620] at[G1722] Miletus[G3399] sick[G770].

21. Give diligence[G4704] to come[G2064] before[G4253] winter[G5494]. Eubulus[G2103] saluteth[G782] thee[G4571], and[G2532] Pudens[G4227], and[G2532] Linus[G3044], and[G2532] Claudia[G2803], and[G2532] all[G3956] the brethren[G80].

22. The Lord[G2962, 2424, 5547] be with[G3326] thy[G4675] spirit[G4151]. Grace[G5485] be with[G3326] you[G5216].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4

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