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ASV_Strong : 1 Thessalonians 4


1. Finally[G3063] then[G3767], brethren[G80], we beseech[G2065] and[G2532] exhort[G3870] you[G5209] in[G1722] the Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424], that[G2531], as ye received[G3880] of[G3844] us[G2257] how[G4459] ye[G5209] ought[G1163] to walk[G4043] and[G2532] to please[G700] God[G2316], even as[G2443] ye do walk[G4052], — that ye abound more and more[G3123].

2. For[G1063] ye know[G1492] what[G5101] charge[G3852] we gave[G1325] you[G5213] through[G1223] the Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424].

3. For[G1063] this[G5124] is[G2076] the will[G2307] of God[G2316], even your[G5216] sanctification[G38], that[G567] ye[G5209] abstain[G567] from[G575] fornication[G4202];

4. that[G1492] each one[G1538] of you[G5216] know how[G1492] to possess[G2932] himself of his[G1438] own vessel[G4632] in[G1722] sanctification[G38] and[G2532] honor[G5092],

5. not[G3361] in[G1722] the passion[G1939] of lust[G3806], even[G2532] as[G2509] the Gentiles[G1484] who[G3588] know[G1492] not[G3361] God[G2316];

6. that[G3588] no[G3361] man transgress[G5233], and[G2532] wrong[G4122] his[G846] brother[G80] in[G1722] the matter[G4229]: because[G1360] the Lord[G2962] is an avenger[G1558] in[G4012] all[G3956] these things[G5130], as[G2531] also[G2532] we[G4277] forewarned[G4277] you[G5213] and[G2532] testified[G1263].

7. For[G1063] God[G2316, 2564] called[G2564] us[G2248] not[G3756] for[G1909] uncleanness[G167], but[G235] in[G1722] sanctification[G38].

8. Therefore[G5105] he[G114] that rejecteth[G114], rejecteth[G114] not[G3756] man[G444], but[G235] God[G2316], who[G3588] giveth[G1325] his[G846] Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151] unto[G1519] you[G2248].

9. But[G1161] concerning[G4012] love[G5360] of the brethren ye have no[G3756] need[G2192] that one write[G1125] unto you[G5213]: for[G1063] ye[G5210] yourselves[G846] are[G2075] taught of God[G2312] to[G1519] love[G25] one another[G240];

10. for[G2532] indeed[G1063] ye do[G4160] it[G846] toward[G1519] all[G3956] the brethren[G80] that[G3588] are in[G1722] all[G3650] Macedonia[G3109]. But[G1161] we exhort[G3870] you[G5209], brethren[G80], that ye abound[G4052] more and more[G3123];

11. and[G2532] that ye study[G5389] to be quiet[G2270], and[G2532] to do[G4238] your own business[G2398], and[G2532] to work[G2038] with[G2398] your[G5216, 2398] hands[G5495], even as[G2531] we charged[G3853] you[G5213];

12. that[G2443] ye may walk[G4043] becomingly[G2156] toward[G4314] them that are[G3588] without[G1854], and[G2532] may have[G2192] need[G5532] of nothing[G3367].

13. But[G1161] we would[G2309] not[G3756] have[G2309] you[G5209] ignorant[G50], brethren[G80], concerning[G4012] them that fall asleep[G2837]; that[G2443] ye sorrow[G3076] not[G3361], even[G2532] as[G2531] the rest[G3062], who have[G2192] no[G3361] hope[G1680].

14. For[G1063] if[G1487] we believe[G4100] that[G3754] Jesus[G2424] died[G599] and[G2532] rose again[G450], even so[G3779] them[G3588] also[G2532] that are fallen asleep[G2837] in[G1223] Jesus[G2424] will[G71] God[G2316] bring[G71] with[G4862] him[G846].

15. For[G1063] this[G5124] we say[G3004] unto you[G5213] by[G1722] the word[G3056] of the Lord[G2962], that[G3754] we[G2249] that are alive[G2198], that are left[G4035] unto[G1519] the coming[G3952] of the Lord[G2962], shall[G5348] in no[G3361] wise precede[G5348] them that are fallen asleep[G3756].

16. For[G3754] the Lord[G2962] himself[G846] shall descend[G2597] from[G575] heaven[G3772], with[G1722] a shout[G2752], with[G1722] the voice[G5456] of the archangel[G743], and[G2532] with[G1722] the trump[G4536] of God[G2316]: and[G2532] the dead[G3498] in[G1722] Christ[G5547] shall rise[G450] first[G4412];

17. then[G1899] we[G2249] that are alive[G2198], that are left[G4035], shall together[G260] with[G4862] them[G846] be caught up[G726] in[G1722] the clouds[G3507], to[G1519] meet[G529] the Lord[G2962] in[G1519] the air[G109]: and[G2532] so[G3779] shall we[G2071] ever[G3842] be[G2071] with[G4862] the Lord[G2962].

18. Wherefore[G5620] comfort[G3870] one another[G240] with[G1722] these[G5125] words[G3056].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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