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ASV_Strong : Deuteronomy 25


1. If there be a controversy[H7379] between men[H582], and they come[H5066] unto judgment[H4941], and the judges judge[H8199] them[H6663]; then they shall justify the righteous[H6662], and condemn[H7561] the wicked[H7563];

2. and it shall be[H7563], if the wicked man be worthy[H1121] to be beaten[H5221], that the judge[H8199] shall cause him to lie down[H5307], and to be beaten[H5221] before his face[H6440], according[H1767] to his wickedness[H7564], by number[H4557].

3. Forty[H705] stripes[H5221] he may give him[H3254], he shall not exceed; lest[H3254], if he should exceed, and beat[H5221] him above these with many[H7227] stripes[H4347], then thy brother[H251] should seem vile unto thee[H7034].

4. Thou shalt not muzzle[H2629] the ox[H7794] when he treadeth out the grain[H1778].

5. If brethren[H251] dwell[H3427] together[H3162], and one[H259] of them die[H4191], and have no son[H1121], the wife[H802] of the dead[H4191] shall not be married without[H2351] unto a stranger[H376]: her husband[H2993]'s brother shall go in[H935] unto her[H3947], and take her to him to wife[H802], and perform the duty of a husband[H2992]'s brother unto her.

6. And it shall be[H1060], that the first-born that she beareth[H3205] shall succeed[H6965] in the name[H8034] of his brother[H251] that is dead[H4191], that his name[H8034] be not blotted out[H4229] of Israel[H3478].

7. And if the man[H376] like[H2654] not to take[H3947] his brother[H2994]'s wife, then his brother[H2994]'s wife shall go up[H5927] to the gate[H8179] unto the elders[H2205], and say[H559], My husband[H2993]'s brother refuseth[H3985] to raise up[H6965] unto his brother[H251] a name[H8034] in Israel[H3478]; he will[H14] not perform the duty of a husband[H2992]'s brother unto me.

8. Then the elders[H2205] of his city[H5892] shall call[H7121] him[H1696], and speak unto him[H5975]: and if he stand, and say[H559], I like[H2654] not to take her[H3947];

9. then shall his brother[H2994]'s wife come[H5066] unto him in the presence[H5869] of the elders[H2205], and loose[H2502] his shoe[H5275] from off his foot[H7272], and spit[H3417] in his face[H6440]; and she shall answer[H6030] and say[H559], So shall it be done[H6213] unto the man[H376] that doth not build up[H1129] his brother[H251]'s house[H1004].

10. And his name[H8034] shall be called[H7121] in Israel[H3478], The house[H1004] of him that hath his shoe[H5275] loosed[H2502].

11. When men[H582] strive[H5327] together[H3162] one with another[H251], and the wife[H802] of the one[H259] draweth near[H7126] to deliver[H5337] her husband[H376] out of the hand[H3027] of him that smiteth[H5221] him[H7971], and putteth forth her hand[H3027], and taketh[H2388] him by the secrets[H4016];

12. then thou shalt cut off[H7112] her hand[H3709], thine eye[H5869] shall have no pity[H2347].

13. Thou shalt not have in thy bag[H3599] diverse weights[H68], a great[H1419] and a small[H6996].

14. Thou shalt not have in thy house[H1004] diverse measures[H374], a great[H1419] and a small[H6996].

15. A perfect[H8003] and just[H6664] weight[H68] shalt thou have[H8003]; a perfect and just[H6664] measure[H374] shalt thou have[H3117]: that thy days may be long[H748] in the land[H127] which Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] giveth thee[H5414].

16. For all that do[H6213] such things[H428], even all that do[H6213] unrighteously[H5766], are an abomination[H8441] unto Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430].

17. Remember[H2142] what Amalek[H6002] did[H6213] unto thee by the way[H1870] as ye came forth[H3318] out of Egypt[H4714];

18. how he met[H7136] thee by the way[H1870], and smote the hindmost[H2179] of thee[H2826], all that were feeble behind[H310] thee[H5889], when thou wast faint and weary[H3023]; and he feared[H3373] not God[H430].

19. Therefore it shall be[H3068], when Jehovah thy God[H430] hath given thee rest[H5117] from all thine enemies[H341] round about[H5439], in the land[H776] which Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] giveth[H5414] thee for an inheritance[H5159] to possess[H3423] it[H4229], that thou shalt blot out the remembrance[H2143] of Amalek[H6002] from under heaven[H8064]; thou shalt not forget[H7911].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

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