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ASV_Strong : Deuteronomy 2


1. Then we turned[H6437], and took our journey[H5265] into the wilderness[H4057] by the way[H1870] to the Red[H5488] Sea[H3220], as Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto me[H5437]; and we compassed mount[H2022] Seir[H8165] many[H7227] days[H3117].

2. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H559] unto me[H559], saying,

3. Ye have compassed[H5437] this mountain[H2022] long enough[H7227]: turn[H6437] you northward[H6828].

4. And command[H6680] thou the people[H5971], saying[H559], Ye are to pass[H5674] through the border[H1366] of your brethren[H251] the children[H1121] of Esau[H6215], that dwell[H3427] in Seir[H8165]; and they will be afraid[H3372] of you[H3966]: take ye good heed unto yourselves therefore[H8104];

5. contend[H1624] not with them[H5414]; for I will not give you of their land[H776], no[H4096], not so much as for the sole of the foot[H7272] to tread on[H5414]; because I have given mount[H2022] Seir[H8165] unto Esau[H6215] for a possession[H3425].

6. Ye shall purchase[H7666] food[H400] of them for money[H3701], that ye may eat[H398]; and ye shall also buy[H3739] water[H4325] of them for money[H3701], that ye may drink[H8354].

7. For Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] hath blessed[H1288] thee in all the work[H4639] of thy hand[H3027]; he hath known[H3045] thy walking[H3212] through this great[H1419] wilderness[H4057]: these forty[H705] years[H8141] Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] hath been with thee[H2637]; thou hast lacked nothing[H1697].

8. So we passed[H5674] by from our brethren[H251] the children[H1121] of Esau[H6215], that dwell[H3427] in Seir[H8165], from the way[H1870] of the Arabah[H6160] from Elath[H359] and from Ezion-geber[H6100]. And we turned[H6437] and passed[H5674] by the way[H1870] of the wilderness[H4057] of Moab[H4124].

9. And Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto me[H6696], Vex not Moab[H4124], neither contend[H1624] with them in battle[H4421]; for I will not give[H5414] thee of his land[H776] for a possession[H3425]; because I have given[H5414] Ar[H6144] unto the children[H1121] of Lot[H3876] for a possession[H3425].

10. (The Emim[H368] dwelt[H3427] therein aforetime[H6440], a people[H5971] great[H1419], and many[H7227], and tall[H7311], as the Anakim[H6062]:

11. these[H1992] also are accounted[H2803] Rephaim[H7497], as the Anakim[H6062]; but the Moabites[H4125] call[H7121] them Emim[H368].

12. The Horites[H2752] also dwelt[H3427] in Seir[H8165] aforetime[H6440], but the children[H1121] of Esau[H6215] succeeded[H3423] them[H8045]; and they destroyed them from before[H6440] them[H3427], and dwelt in their stead[H3478]; as Israel did[H6213] unto the land[H776] of his possession[H3425], which Jehovah[H3068] gave unto them[H5414].)

13. Now rise up[H6965], and get you over[H5674] the brook[H5158] Zered[H2218]. And we went over[H5674] the brook[H5158] Zered[H2218].

14. And the days[H3117] in which we came[H1980] from Kadesh-barnea[H6947], until we were come over[H5674] the brook[H5158] Zered[H2218], were thirty[H7970] and eight[H8083] years[H8141]; until all the generation[H1755] of the men[H582] of war[H4421] were consumed[H8552] from the midst[H7130] of the camp[H4264], as Jehovah[H3068] sware unto them[H7650].

15. Moreover the hand[H3027] of Jehovah[H3068] was against them[H2000], to destroy them from the midst[H7130] of the camp[H4264], until they were consumed[H8552].

16. So it came to pass[H582], when all the men of war[H4421] were consumed[H8552] and dead[H4191] from among[H7130] the people[H5971],

17. that Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto me[H559], saying,

18. Thou art[H6144] this day to pass over[H5674] Ar[H6144], the border[H1366] of Moab[H4124]:

19. and when thou comest nigh[H7126] over against[H4136] the children[H1121] of Ammon[H5983], vex[H6696] them not[H1624], nor contend with them[H5414]; for I will not give thee of the land[H776] of the children[H1121] of Ammon[H5983] for a possession[H3425]; because I have given[H5414] it unto the children[H1121] of Lot[H3876] for a possession[H3425].

20. (That also is accounted[H2803] a land[H776] of Rephaim[H7497]: Rephaim[H7497] dwelt[H3427] therein aforetime[H6440]; but the Ammonites[H5984] call[H7121] them Zamzummim[H2157],

21. a people[H5971] great[H1419], and many[H7227], and tall[H7311], as the Anakim[H6062]; but Jehovah[H3068] destroyed[H8045] them before[H6440] them[H3423]; and they succeeded them[H3427], and dwelt in their stead;

22. as he did[H6213] for the children[H1121] of Esau[H6215], that dwell[H3427] in Seir[H8165], when he destroyed[H8045] the Horites[H2752] from before[H6440] them[H3423]; and they succeeded them[H3427], and dwelt in their stead even unto this day[H3117]:

23. and the Avvim[H5761], that dwelt[H3427] in villages[H2699] as far as Gaza[H5804], the Caphtorim[H3732], that came forth[H3318] out of Caphtor[H3731], destroyed[H8045] them[H3427], and dwelt in their stead.)

24. Rise ye up[H6965], take your journey[H5265], and pass over[H5674] the valley[H5158] of the Arnon[H769]: behold[H7200], I have given[H5414] into thy hand[H3027] Sihon[H5511] the Amorite[H567], king[H4428] of Heshbon[H2809], and his land[H776]; begin[H2490] to possess[H3423] it[H1624], and contend with him in battle[H4421].

25. This day[H3117] will I begin[H2490] to put[H5414] the dread[H6343] of thee and the fear[H3374] of thee upon the peoples[H6440] that are under the whole heaven[H8064], who shall hear[H8085] the report[H8088] of thee[H7264], and shall tremble, and be in anguish[H2342] because of thee[H6440].

26. And I sent[H7971] messengers[H4397] out of the wilderness[H4057] of Kedemoth[H6932] unto Sihon[H5511] king[H4428] of Heshbon[H2809] with words[H1697] of peace[H7965], saying[H559],

27. Let me pass[H5674] through thy land[H776]: I will go[H3212] along by the highway[H1870], I will turn[H5493] neither unto the right hand[H3225] nor to the left[H8040].

28. Thou shalt sell[H7666] me food[H400] for money[H3701], that I may eat[H398]; and give[H5414] me water[H4325] for money[H3701], that I may drink[H8354]: only let me pass through[H5674] on my feet[H7272],

29. as the children[H1121] of Esau[H6215] that dwell[H3427] in Seir[H8165], and the Moabites[H4125] that dwell[H3427] in Ar[H6144], did[H6213] unto me[H5674]; until I shall pass over the Jordan[H3383] into the land[H776] which Jehovah[H3068] our God[H430] giveth us[H5414].

30. But Sihon[H5511] king[H4428] of Heshbon[H2809] would[H14] not let us pass[H5674] by him[H3068]; for Jehovah thy God[H430] hardened[H7185] his spirit[H7307], and made his heart[H3824] obstinate[H553], that he might deliver[H5414] him into thy hand[H3027], as at this day[H3117].

31. And Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto me[H7200], Behold, I have begun[H2490] to deliver[H5414] up Sihon[H5511] and his land[H776] before[H6440] thee[H2490]: begin to possess[H3423], that thou mayest inherit[H3423] his land[H776].

32. Then Sihon[H5511] came out[H3318] against[H7125] us[H5971], he and all his people, unto battle[H4421] at Jahaz[H3096].

33. And Jehovah[H3068] our God[H430] delivered[H5414] him up before[H6440] us[H5221]; and we smote him[H1121], and his sons, and all his people[H5971].

34. And we took[H3920] all his cities[H5892] at that time[H6256], and utterly destroyed[H2763] every inhabited[H4962] city[H5892], with the women[H802] and the little ones[H2945]; we left[H7604] none remaining[H8300]:

35. only the cattle[H929] we took for a prey[H962] unto ourselves[H7998], with the spoil of the cities[H5892] which we had taken[H3920].

36. From Aroer[H6177], which is on the edge[H8193] of the valley[H5158] of the Arnon[H769], and from the city[H5892] that is in the valley[H5158], even unto Gilead[H1568], there was not a city[H7151] too high[H7682] for us[H3068]; Jehovah our God[H430] delivered[H5414] up all before us[H6440]:

37. only to the land[H776] of the children[H1121] of Ammon[H5983] thou camest[H7126] not near[H3027]; all the side of the river[H5158] Jabbok[H2999], and the cities[H5892] of the hill-country[H2022], and wheresoever Jehovah[H3068] our God[H430] forbade us[H6680].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

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