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ASV_Strong : Luke 3


1. Now[G1161] in[G1722] the fifteenth[G4003] year[G2094] of the reign[G2231] of Tiberius[G5086] Caesar[G2541], Pontius[G4194] Pilate[G4091] being governor[G2230] of Judaea[G2449], and[G2532] Herod[G2264] being tetrarch[G5075] of Galilee[G1056], and[G1161] his[G846] brother[G80] Philip[G5376] tetrarch[G5075] of the region[G5561] of Ituraea[G2484] and[G2532] Trachonitis[G5139], and[G2532] Lysanias[G3078] tetrarch[G5075] of Abilene[G9],

2. in[G1909] the high-priesthood[G749] of Annas[G452] and[G2532] Caiaphas[G2533], the word[G4487] of God[G2316] came[G1096] unto[G1909] John[G2491] the son[G5207] of Zacharias[G2197] in[G1722] the wilderness[G2048].

3. And[G2532] he came[G2064] into[G1519] all[G3956] the region round about[G4066] the Jordan[G2446], preaching[G2784] the baptism[G908] of repentance[G3341] unto[G1519] remission[G859] of sins[G266];

4. as[G5613] it is written[G1125] in[G1722] the book[G976] of the words[G3056] of Isaiah[G2268] the prophet[G4396], The[G3004] voice[G5456] of one crying[G994] in[G1722] the wilderness[G2048], Make ye[G2090] ready the way[G3598] of the Lord[G2962], Make[G4160] his[G846] paths[G5147] straight[G2117].

5. Every[G3956] valley[G5327] shall be filled[G4137], And[G2532] every[G3956] mountain[G3735] and[G2532] hill[G1015] shall be brought low[G5013]; And[G2532] the crooked[G4646] shall become[G2071] straight[G2117], And[G2532] the rough[G5138] ways[G3598, 1519] smooth[G3006];

6. And[G2532] all[G3956] flesh[G4561] shall see[G3700] the salvation[G4992] of God[G2316].

7. He[G3004] said therefore[G3767] to the multitudes[G3793] that went out[G1607] to be baptized[G907] of[G5259] him[G846], Ye offspring[G1081] of vipers[G2191], who[G5101] warned[G5263] you[G5213] to flee[G5343] from[G575] the wrath[G3709] to come[G3195]?

8. Bring forth[G4160] therefore[G3767] fruits[G2590] worthy[G514] of repentance[G3341], and[G2532] begin[G756] not[G3361] to say[G3004] within[G1722] yourselves[G1438], We have[G2192] Abraham[G11] to[G3962] our father[G3962]: for[G1063] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], that[G3754] God[G2316] is able[G1410] of[G1537] these[G5130] stones[G3037] to raise up[G1453] children[G5043] unto Abraham[G11].

9. And[G1161] even now[G2235] the axe[G513] also[G2532] lieth[G2749] at[G4314] the root[G4491] of the trees[G1186]: every[G3956] tree[G1186] therefore[G3767] that bringeth[G4160] not[G3361] forth[G4160] good[G2570] fruit[G2590] is hewn down[G1581], and[G2532] cast[G906] into[G1519] the fire[G4442].

10. And[G2532] the multitudes[G3793] asked[G1905] him[G846], saying[G3004], What[G5101] then[G3767] must we do[G4160]?

11. And he answered[G611] and[G1161] said[G3004] unto them[G846], He that hath[G2192] two[G1417] coats[G5509], let him impart[G3330] to him that hath[G2192] none[G3361]; and[G2532] he that hath[G2192] food[G1033], let him do[G4160] likewise[G3668].

12. And there[G1161] came[G2064] also[G2532] publicans[G5057] to be baptized[G907], and[G2532] they said[G2036] unto[G4314] him[G846], Teacher[G1320], what[G5101] must we do[G4160]?

13. And[G1161] he said[G2036] unto[G4314] them[G846], Extort[G4238] no[G3367] more[G4119] than[G3844] that which is appointed[G1299] you[G5213].

14. And[G1161] soldiers[G4754] also[G2532] asked[G1905] him[G846], saying[G3004], And[G2532] we[G2249], what[G5101] must[G4160] we[G2249] do[G4160]? And[G2532] he said[G2036] unto[G4314] them[G846], Extort from[G1286] no man[G3367] by violence[G3366], neither accuse[G4811] any one wrongfully[G4811]; and[G2532] be content[G714] with[G3800] your[G5216] wages[G3800].

15. And[G1161] as the people[G2992] were in[G1722] expectation[G4328], and[G2532] all men[G3956] reasoned[G1260] in[G1722] their[G846] hearts[G2588] concerning[G4012] John[G2491], whether[G3379] haply he[G846] were[G1498] the Christ[G5547];

16. John[G2491] answered[G611], saying[G3004] unto[G537] them all[G537], I[G1473] indeed[G3303] baptize[G907] you[G5209] with water[G5204]; but[G1161] there cometh[G2064] he that is[G3450] mightier than[G2478] I[G846], the latchet[G2438] of whose[G3739] shoes[G5266] I[G846] am[G1510] not[G3756] worthy[G2425] to unloose[G3089]: he[G846] shall baptize[G907] you[G5209] in the[G4151] Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151] and[G2532] in fire[G4442]:

17. whose[G3739] fan[G4425] is in[G1722] his[G846] hand[G5495], thoroughly to cleanse[G1245] his[G846] threshing-floor[G257], and[G2532] to gather[G4863] the wheat[G4621] into[G1519] his[G846] garner[G596]; but[G1161] the chaff[G892] he will burn[G2618] up with unquenchable[G762] fire[G4442].

18. With[G2532] many[G4183] other exhortations[G3870] therefore preached he[G2097] good tidings[G2087] unto the people[G2992];

19. but[G1161] Herod[G2264] the tetrarch[G5076], being reproved[G1651] by[G5259] him[G846] for[G4012] Herodias[G2266] his[G846] brother[G80]'s [G5376] wife[G1135], and[G2532] for[G4012] all[G3956] the evil[G4190] things which[G3739] Herod[G2264] had done[G4160],

20. added[G4369] this[G5124] also[G2532] to[G1909] them all[G3956], that[G2532] he shut up[G2623] John[G2491] in[G1722] prison[G5438].

21. Now[G1161] it came to pass[G1096], when[G1722] all[G537] the people[G2992] were baptized[G907], that[G2424], Jesus also[G2532] having been baptized[G907], and[G2532] praying[G4336], the heaven[G3772] was opened[G455],

22. and[G2532] the[G4151] Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151] descended[G2597] in a bodily[G4984] form[G1491], as[G5616] a dove[G4058], upon[G1909] him[G846], and[G2532] a voice[G5456] came[G1096] out[G1537] of heaven[G3772], [G3004] Thou[G4771] art[G1488] my[G3450] beloved[G27] Son[G5207]; in[G1722] thee[G4671] I am well pleased[G2106].

23. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] himself[G846], when he began[G756] to teach[G5616], was about thirty[G5144] years[G2094] of age[G2094], being[G5607] the son[G5207] (as[G5613] was[G2242] supposed[G3543]) of Joseph[G2501], the son of Heli[G2242],

24. the son of Matthat[G3158], the son of Levi[G3017], the son of Melchi[G3197], the son of Jannai[G2388], the son of Joseph[G2501],

25. the son of Mattathias[G3161], the son of Amos[G301], the son of Nahum[G3486], the son of Esli[G2069], the son of Naggai[G3477],

26. the son of Maath[G3092], the son of Mattathias[G3161], the son of Semein[G4584], the son of Josech[G2501], the son of Joda[G2455],

27. the son of Joanan[G2490], the son of Rhesa[G4488], the son of Zerubbabel[G2216], the son of Shealtiel[G4528], the son of Neri[G3518],

28. the son of Melchi[G3197], the son of Addi[G78], the son of Cosam[G2973], the son of Elmadam[G1678], the son of Er[G2262],

29. the son of Jesus[G2499], the son of Eliezer[G1663], the son of Jorim[G2497], the son of Matthat[G3158], the son of Levi[G3017],

30. the son of Symeon[G4826], the son of Judas[G2455], the son of Joseph[G2501], the son of Jonam[G2494], the son of Eliakim[G1662],

31. the son of Melea[G3190], the son of Menna[G3104], the son of Mattatha[G3160], the son of Nathan[G3481], the son of David[G1138],

32. the son of Jesse[G2421], the son of Obed[G5601], the son of Boaz[G1003], the son of Salmon[G4533], the son of Nahshon[G3476],

33. the son of Amminadab[G284], the son of Arni[G689], the son of Hezron[G2074], the son of Perez[G5329], the son of Judah[G2455],

34. the son of Jacob[G2384], the son of Isaac[G2464], the son of Abraham[G11], the son of Terah[G2291], the son of Nahor[G3493],

35. the son of Serug[G4562], the son of Reu[G4466], the son of Peleg[G5317], the son of Eber[G1443], the son of Shelah[G4527],

36. the son of Cainan[G2536], the son of Arphaxad[G742], the son of Shem[G4590], the son of Noah[G3575], the son of Lamech[G2984],

37. the son of Methuselah[G3103], the son of Enoch[G1802], the son of Jared[G2391], the son of Mahalaleel[G3121], the son of Cainan[G2536],

38. the son of Enos[G1800], the son of Seth[G4589], the son of Adam[G76], the son of God[G2316].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

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