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ASV_Strong : Numbers 8


1. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto Moses[H4872], saying[H559],

2. Speak[H1696] unto Aaron[H175], and say[H559] unto him[H5927], When thou lightest the lamps[H5216], the seven[H7651] lamps[H5216] shall give light[H215] in front[H6440] of the candlestick[H4501].

3. And Aaron[H175] did[H6213] so[H5927]; he lighted the lamps[H5216] thereof so as to give light in front[H4136] of the candlestick[H4501], as Jehovah[H3068] commanded[H6680] Moses[H4872].

4. And this was the work[H4639] of the candlestick[H4501], beaten[H4749] work of gold[H2091]; unto the base[H3409] thereof[H6525], and unto the flowers thereof[H4749], it was beaten work: according unto the pattern[H4758] which Jehovah[H3068] had showed[H7200] Moses[H4872], so he made[H6213] the candlestick[H4501].

5. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto Moses[H4872], saying[H559],

6. Take[H3947] the Levites[H3881] from among[H8432] the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], and cleanse them[H2891].

7. And thus shalt thou do[H6213] unto them[H2891], to cleanse them[H5137]: sprinkle the water[H4325] of expiation[H2403] upon them[H8593], and let them cause a razor to pass over all their flesh[H1320], and let them wash[H3526] their clothes[H899], and cleanse themselves[H2891].

8. Then let them take[H3947] a young[H1121] bullock[H6499], and its meal-offering[H4503], fine flour[H5560] mingled[H1101] with oil[H8081]; and another[H8145] young[H1121] bullock[H6499] shalt thou take[H3947] for a sin-offering[H2403].

9. And thou shalt present[H7126] the Levites[H3881] before[H6440] the tent[H168] of meeting[H4150]: and thou shalt assemble[H6950] the whole[H6950] congregation[H4150] of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478]:

10. and thou shalt present[H7126] the Levites[H3881] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068]. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] shall lay[H5564] their hands[H3027] upon the Levites[H3881]:

11. and Aaron[H175] shall offer[H5130] the Levites[H3881] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068] for a wave-offering[H8573], on the behalf of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], that it may be theirs to do[H5647] the service[H5656] of Jehovah[H3068].

12. And the Levites[H3881] shall lay[H5564] their hands[H3027] upon the heads[H7218] of the bullocks[H6499]: and offer[H6213] thou the one[H259] for a sin-offering[H2403], and the other[H259] for a burnt-offering[H2403], unto Jehovah[H3068], to make atonement[H3722] for the Levites[H3881].

13. And thou shalt set[H5975] the Levites[H3881] before[H6440] Aaron[H175], and before[H6440] his sons[H1121], and offer[H5130] them for a wave-offering[H8573] unto Jehovah[H3068].

14. Thus shalt thou separate[H914] the Levites[H3881] from among[H8432] the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478]; and the Levites shall be mine[H3881].

15. And after[H310] that shall the Levites[H3881] go in[H935] to do the service[H5647] of the tent[H168] of meeting[H4150]: and thou shalt cleanse[H2891] them[H5130], and offer them for a wave-offering[H8573].

16. For they are wholly given[H5414] unto me from among[H8432] the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478]; instead of all that openeth[H6363] the womb[H7358], even the first-born[H1060] of all the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], have I taken them unto me[H3947].

17. For all the first-born[H1060] among the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] are mine[H120], both man and beast[H929]: on the day[H3117] that I smote[H5221] all the first-born[H1060] in the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714] I sanctified them for myself[H6942].

18. And I have taken[H3947] the Levites[H3881] instead of all the first-born[H1060] among the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478].

19. And I have given[H5414] the Levites[H3881] as a gift[H5414] to Aaron[H175] and to his sons[H1121] from among[H8432] the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], to do[H5647] the service[H5656] of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] in the tent[H168] of meeting[H4150], and to make atonement[H3722] for the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478]; that there be no plague[H5063] among the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], when the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] come nigh[H5066] unto the sanctuary[H6944].

20. Thus did[H6213] Moses[H4872], and Aaron[H175], and all the congregation[H5712] of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], unto the Levites[H3881]: according unto all that Jehovah[H3068] commanded[H6680] Moses[H4872] touching the Levites[H3881], so did[H6213] the children[H1121] of Israel unto them[H3478].

21. And the Levites[H3881] purified[H2398] themselves from sin[H3526], and they washed their clothes[H899]: and Aaron[H175] offered[H5130] them for a wave-offering[H8573] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068]; and Aaron[H175] made atonement[H3722] for them to cleanse them[H2891].

22. And after[H310] that went[H935] the Levites[H3881] in to do[H5647] their service[H5656] in the tent[H168] of meeting[H4150] before[H6440] Aaron[H175], and before[H6440] his sons[H1121]: as Jehovah[H3068] had commanded[H6680] Moses[H4872] concerning the Levites[H3881], so did they unto them[H6213].

23. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto Moses[H4872], saying[H559],

24. This is that which belongeth unto the Levites[H3881]: from twenty[H6242] and five[H2568] years[H8141] old[H1121] and upward[H4605] they shall go in[H935] to wait[H6633] upon the service[H5656] in the work of the tent[H168] of meeting[H4150]:

25. and from the age[H1121] of fifty[H2572] years[H8141] they shall cease[H7725] waiting[H6635] upon the work[H5656], and shall serve no more[H5647],

26. but shall minister[H8334] with their brethren[H251] in the tent[H168] of meeting[H4150], to keep[H8104] the charge[H4931], and shall do[H5647] no service[H5656]. Thus shalt thou do[H5647] unto the Levites[H3881] touching their charges[H4931].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

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