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ASV_Strong : Numbers 5


1. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto Moses[H4872], saying[H559],

2. Command[H6680] the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], that they put out[H7971] of the camp[H4264] every leper[H6879], and every one that hath an issue[H2100], and whosoever is unclean[H2931] by the dead[H5315]:

3. both male[H2145] and female[H5347] shall ye put out[H7971], without[H2351] the camp[H4264] shall ye put[H7971] them[H2930]; that they defile not their camp[H4264], in the midst[H8432] whereof[H834] I dwell[H7931].

4. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] did so[H6213], and put them out[H7971] without[H2351] the camp[H4264]; as Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto Moses[H4872], so did[H6213] the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478].

5. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto Moses[H4872], saying[H559],

6. Speak[H1696] unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], When a man[H376] or woman[H802] shall commit[H6213] any sin[H2403] that men[H120] commit[H4603], so as to trespass[H4604] against Jehovah[H3068], and that soul[H5315] shall be guilty[H816];

7. then he shall confess[H3034] his sin[H2403] which he hath done[H6213]: and he shall make restitution[H7725] for his guilt[H817] in full[H7218], and add[H3254] unto it the fifth[H2549] part thereof[H5414], and give it unto him in respect of whom he hath been guilty[H816].

8. But if the man[H376] have no kinsman[H1350] to whom restitution[H7725] may be made for the guilt[H817], the restitution[H7725] for guilt[H817] which is made unto Jehovah[H3068] shall be the priest[H3548]'s; besides the ram[H352] of the atonement[H3725], whereby atonement shall be made for him[H3722].

9. And every heave-offering[H8641] of all the holy things[H6944] of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], which they present[H7126] unto the priest[H3548], shall be his.

10. And every man[H376]'s hallowed things[H6944] shall be his[H376]: whatsoever any man giveth[H5414] the priest[H3548], it shall be his.

11. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto Moses[H4872], saying[H559],

12. Speak[H1696] unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], and say[H559] unto them[H376], If any man[H376]'s wife[H802] go aside[H7847], and commit[H4603] a trespass against him[H4604],

13. and a man[H376] lie[H7901] with her carnally[H7902], and it be hid[H5956] from the eyes[H5869] of her husband[H376], and be kept close[H5641], and she be defiled[H2930], and there be no witness[H5707] against her[H8610], and she be not taken in the act;

14. and the spirit[H7307] of jealousy[H7068] come[H5674] upon him[H7065], and he be jealous of his wife[H802], and she be defiled[H2930]: or if the spirit[H7307] of jealousy[H7068] come[H5674] upon him[H7065], and he be jealous of his wife[H802], and she be not defiled[H2930]:

15. then shall the man[H376] bring[H935] his wife[H802] unto the priest[H3548], and shall bring[H935] her oblation[H7133] for her[H6224], the tenth part of an ephah[H374] of barley[H8184] meal[H7058]; he shall pour[H3332] no oil[H8081] upon it[H5414], nor put frankincense[H3828] thereon[H4503]; for it is a meal-offering of jealousy[H7068], a meal-offering[H4503] of memorial[H2146], bringing[H2142] iniquity[H5771] to remembrance[H2142].

16. And the priest[H3548] shall bring her near[H7126], and set[H5975] her before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068]:

17. and the priest[H3548] shall take[H3947] holy[H6918] water[H4325] in an earthen[H2789] vessel[H3627]; and of the dust[H6083] that is on the floor[H7172] of the tabernacle[H4908] the priest[H3548] shall take[H3947], and put[H5414] it into the water[H4325].

18. And the priest[H3548] shall set[H5975] the woman[H802] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068], and let the hair of the woman[H802]'s head[H7218] go loose[H6544], and put[H5414] the meal-offering[H4503] of memorial[H2146] in her hands[H3709], which is the meal-offering[H4503] of jealousy[H7068]: and the priest[H3548] shall have in his hand[H3027] the water[H4325] of bitterness[H4751] that causeth the curse[H779].

19. And the priest[H3548] shall cause her to swear[H7650], and shall say[H559] unto the woman[H802], If no man[H376] have lain[H7901] with thee[H7847], and if thou have not gone aside to uncleanness[H2932], being under thy husband[H376], be thou free[H5352] from this water[H4325] of bitterness[H4751] that causeth the curse[H779].

20. But if thou have gone aside[H7847], being under thy husband[H376], and if thou be defiled[H2930], and some man[H376] have[H5414] lain[H7903] with thee besides[H1107] thy husband[H376]:

21. then the priest[H3548] shall cause[H7650] the woman[H802] to swear with the oath[H7621] of cursing[H423], and the priest[H3548] shall say[H559] unto the woman[H802], Jehovah[H3068] make[H5414] thee a curse[H423] and an oath[H7621] among[H8432] thy people[H5971], when Jehovah[H3068] doth make[H5414] thy thigh[H3409] to fall away[H5307], and thy body[H990] to swell[H6639];

22. and this water[H4325] that causeth the curse[H779] shall go[H935] into thy bowels[H4578], and make thy body[H990] to swell[H6638], and thy thigh[H3409] to fall away[H5307]. And the woman[H802] shall say[H559], Amen[H543], Amen[H543].

23. And the priest[H3548] shall write[H3789] these curses[H423] in a book[H5612], and he shall blot[H4229] them out into the water[H4325] of bitterness[H4751]:

24. and he shall make the woman[H802] drink[H8248] the water[H4325] of bitterness[H4751] that causeth the curse[H779]; and the water[H4325] that causeth the curse[H779] shall enter[H935] into her and become bitter[H4751].

25. And the priest[H3548] shall take[H3947] the meal-offering[H4503] of jealousy[H7068] out of the woman[H802]'s hand[H3027], and shall wave[H5130] the meal-offering[H4503] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068], and bring[H7126] it unto the altar[H4196]:

26. and the priest[H3548] shall take a handful[H7061] of the meal-offering[H4503], as the memorial[H234] thereof[H6999], and burn it upon the altar[H4196], and afterward[H310] shall make the woman[H802] drink[H8248] the water[H4325].

27. And when he hath made her drink[H8248] the water[H4325], then it shall come to pass[H2930], if she be defiled, and have committed[H4603] a trespass[H4604] against her husband[H376], that the water[H4325] that causeth the curse[H779] shall enter[H935] into her and become bitter[H4751], and her body[H990] shall swell[H6638], and her thigh[H3409] shall fall away[H5307]: and the woman[H802] shall be a curse[H423] among[H7130] her people[H5971].

28. And if the woman[H802] be not defiled[H2930], but be clean[H2889]; then she shall be free[H5352], and shall conceive[H2232] seed[H2233].

29. This is the law[H8451] of jealousy[H7068], when a wife[H802], being under her husband[H376], goeth aside[H7847], and is defiled[H2930];

30. or when the spirit[H7307] of jealousy[H7068] cometh[H5674] upon a man[H376], and he is jealous[H7065] of his wife[H802]; then shall he set[H5975] the woman[H802] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068], and the priest[H3548] shall execute[H6213] upon her all this law[H8451].

31. And the man[H376] shall be free[H5352] from iniquity[H5771], and that[H1931] woman[H802] shall bear[H5375] her iniquity[H5771].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

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