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ASV_Strong : Numbers 19


1. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto Moses[H4872] and unto Aaron[H175], saying[H559],

2. This is the statute[H2708] of the law[H8451] which Jehovah[H3068] hath commanded[H6680], saying[H559], Speak[H1696] unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], that they bring[H3947] thee a red[H122] heifer[H6510] without spot[H8549], wherein is no blemish[H3971], and upon which never[H3808] came[H5927] yoke[H5923].

3. And ye shall give[H5414] her unto Eleazar[H499] the priest[H3548], and he shall bring her forth[H3318] without[H2351] the camp[H4264], and one shall slay[H7819] her before his face[H6440]:

4. and Eleazar[H499] the priest[H3548] shall take[H3947] of her blood[H1818] with his finger[H676], and sprinkle[H5137] her blood[H1818] toward[H5227] the front[H6440] of the tent[H168] of meeting[H4150] seven[H7651] times[H6471].

5. And one shall burn[H8313] the heifer[H6510] in his sight[H5869]; her skin[H5785], and her flesh[H1320], and her blood[H1818], with her dung[H6569], shall he burn[H8313]:

6. and the priest[H3548] shall take[H3947] cedar[H730] - wood[H6086], and hyssop[H231], and scarlet[H8438], and cast[H7993] it into the midst[H8432] of the burning[H8316] of the heifer[H6510].

7. Then the priest[H3548] shall wash[H3526] his clothes[H899], and he shall bathe[H7364] his flesh[H1320] in water[H4325], and afterward[H310] he shall come[H935] into the camp[H4264], and the priest[H3548] shall be unclean[H2930] until the even[H6153].

8. And he that burneth[H8313] her shall wash[H3526] his clothes[H899] in water[H4325], and bathe[H7364] his flesh[H1320] in water[H4325], and shall be unclean[H2930] until the even[H6153].

9. And a man[H376] that is clean[H2889] shall gather[H622] up the ashes[H665] of the heifer[H6510], and lay them up[H3240] without[H2351] the camp[H4264] in a clean[H2889] place[H4725]; and it shall be kept[H4931] for the congregation[H5712] of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] for a water[H4325] for impurity[H5079]: it is a sin-offering[H2403].

10. And he that gathereth[H622] the ashes[H665] of the heifer[H6510] shall wash[H3526] his clothes[H899], and be unclean[H2930] until the even[H6153]: and it shall be unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], and unto the stranger[H1616] that sojourneth[H1481] among[H8432] them[H2708], for a statute for ever[H5769].

11. He that toucheth[H5060] the dead[H4191] body[H5315] of any man[H120] shall be unclean[H2930] seven[H7651] days[H3117]:

12. the same shall purify[H2398] himself therewith on the third[H7992] day[H3117], and on the seventh[H7637] day[H3117] he shall be clean[H2891]: but if he purify[H2398] not himself the third[H7992] day[H3117], then the seventh[H7637] day[H3117] he shall not be clean[H2891].

13. Whosoever toucheth[H5060] a dead[H4191] person[H5315], the body of a man[H120] that hath died[H4191], and purifieth[H2398] not himself[H2930], defileth the tabernacle[H4908] of Jehovah[H3068]; and that soul[H5315] shall be cut off[H3772] from Israel[H3478]: because the water[H4325] for impurity[H5079] was not sprinkled[H2236] upon him[H2931], he shall be unclean; his uncleanness is yet upon him[H2932].

14. This is the law[H8451] when a man[H120] dieth[H4191] in a tent[H168]: every one that cometh[H935] into the tent[H168], and every one that is in the tent[H168], shall be unclean[H2930] seven[H7651] days[H3117].

15. And every open[H6605] vessel[H3627], which hath no covering[H6781] bound[H6616] upon it[H2931], is unclean.

16. And whosoever in the open[H6440] field[H7704] toucheth[H5060] one that is slain[H2491] with a sword[H2719], or a dead body[H4191], or a bone[H6106] of a man[H120], or a grave[H6913], shall be unclean[H2930] seven[H7651] days[H3117].

17. And for the unclean[H2931] they shall take[H3947] of the ashes[H6083] of the burning[H8316] of the sin-offering[H2403]; and running[H2416] water[H4325] shall be put[H5414] thereto in a vessel[H3627]:

18. and a clean[H2889] person[H376] shall take[H3947] hyssop[H231], and dip[H2881] it in the water[H4325], and sprinkle[H5137] it upon the tent[H168], and upon all the vessels[H3627], and upon the persons[H5315] that were there[H5060], and upon him that touched the bone[H6106], or the slain[H2491], or the dead[H4191], or the grave[H6913]:

19. and the clean[H2889] person shall sprinkle[H5137] upon the unclean[H2931] on the third[H7992] day[H3117], and on the seventh[H7637] day[H3117]: and on the seventh[H7637] day[H3117] he shall purify[H2398] him[H3526]; and he shall wash his clothes[H899], and bathe[H3526] himself in water[H4325], and shall be clean[H2891] at even[H6153].

20. But the man[H376] that shall be unclean[H2930], and shall not purify[H2398] himself[H5315], that soul shall be cut off[H3772] from the midst[H8432] of the assembly[H6951], because he hath defiled[H2930] the sanctuary[H4720] of Jehovah[H3068]: the water[H4325] for impurity[H5079] hath not been sprinkled[H2236] upon him[H2931]; he is unclean.

21. And it shall be a perpetual[H5769] statute[H2708] unto them[H5137]: and he that sprinkleth the water[H4325] for impurity[H5079] shall wash[H3526] his clothes[H899], and he that toucheth[H5060] the water[H4325] for impurity[H5079] shall be unclean[H2930] until even[H6153].

22. And whatsoever the unclean[H2931] person toucheth[H5060] shall be unclean[H2930]; and the soul[H5315] that toucheth[H5060] it shall be unclean[H2930] until even[H6153].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

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