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ASV_Strong : Zechariah 4


1. And the angel[H4397] that talked[H1696] with me came again[H7725], and waked[H5782] me[H376], as a man that is wakened[H5782] out of his sleep[H8142].

2. And he said[H559] unto me[H7200], What seest thou[H559]? And I said, I have seen[H7200], and[H4501], behold, a candlestick all of gold[H2091], with its bowl[H1531] upon the top[H7218] of it[H7651], and its seven lamps[H5216] thereon[H7651]; there are seven pipes[H4166] to each of the[H7651] lamps[H5216], which are upon the top thereof[H7218];

3. and two[H8147] olive-trees[H2132] by it[H259], one upon the right[H3225] side of the bowl[H1543], and the other[H259] upon the left side thereof[H8040].

4. And I answered[H6030] and spake[H559] to the angel[H4397] that talked[H1696] with me[H559], saying, What are these[H113], my lord?

5. Then the angel[H4397] that talked[H1696] with me answered[H6030] and said[H559] unto me[H3045], Knowest thou not what these are[H559]? And I said, No[H113], my lord.

6. Then he answered[H6030] and spake[H559] unto me[H559], saying, This is the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068] unto Zerubbabel[H2216], saying[H559], Not by might[H2428], nor by power[H3581], but by my Spirit[H7307], saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635].

7. Who art thou[H1419], O great mountain[H2022]? before[H6440] Zerubbabel[H2216] thou shalt become a plain[H4334]; and he shall bring forth[H3318] the top stone[H68] with shoutings[H8663] of Grace[H2580], grace[H2580], unto it.

8. Moreover the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068] came unto me[H559], saying,

9. The hands[H3027] of Zerubbabel[H2216] have laid the foundation[H3245] of this house[H1004]; his hands[H3027] shall also finish[H1214] it[H3045]; and thou shalt know that Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635] hath sent me unto you[H7971].

10. For who hath despised[H936] the day[H3117] of small things[H6996]? for these seven shall rejoice[H8055], and shall see[H7200] the plummet[H68] in the hand[H3027] of Zerubbabel[H2216]; these[H7651] are the eyes[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068], which run to and fro[H7751] through the whole earth[H776].

11. Then answered[H6030] I[H559], and said unto him[H8147], What are these two olive-trees[H2132] upon the right[H3225] side of the candlestick[H4501] and upon the left side thereof[H8040]?

12. And I answered[H6030] the second[H8145] time[H559], and said unto him[H8147], What are these two olive[H2132] - branches[H7641], which are beside[H3027] the two[H8147] golden[H2091] spouts[H6804], that empty[H7324] the golden oil out of themselves[H2091]?

13. And he answered[H559] me and said[H559], Knowest[H3045] thou not what these are[H559]? And I said, No[H113], my lord.

14. Then said[H559] he[H8147], These are the two anointed[H3323] ones[H1121], that stand[H5975] by the Lord[H113] of the whole earth[H776].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

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