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ASV_Strong : Leviticus 23


1. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto Moses[H4872], saying[H559],

2. Speak[H1696] unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], and say[H559] unto them[H4150], The set feasts of Jehovah[H3068], which ye shall proclaim[H7121] to be holy[H6944] convocations[H4744], even these are my set feasts[H4150].

3. Six[H8337] days[H3117] shall work[H4399] be done[H6213]: but on the seventh[H7637] day[H3117] is a sabbath[H7676] of solemn rest[H7677], a holy[H6944] convocation[H4744]; ye shall do[H6213] no manner of work[H4399]: it is a sabbath[H7676] unto Jehovah[H3068] in all your dwellings[H4186].

4. These are the set feasts[H4150] of Jehovah[H3068], even holy[H6944] convocations[H4744], which ye shall proclaim[H7121] in their appointed season[H4150].

5. In the first[H7223] month[H2320], on the fourteenth[H702] day of the month at even[H6153], is Jehovah[H3068]'s passover[H6453].

6. And on the fifteenth[H2568] day[H3117] of the same month[H2320] is the feast[H2282] of unleavened bread[H4682] unto Jehovah[H3068]: seven[H7651] days[H3117] ye shall eat[H398] unleavened bread[H4682].

7. In the first[H7223] day[H3117] ye shall have a holy[H6944] convocation[H4744]: ye shall do[H6213] no servile[H5656] work[H4399].

8. But ye shall offer[H7126] an offering made by fire[H801] unto Jehovah[H3068] seven[H7651] days[H3117]: in the seventh[H7637] day[H3117] is a holy[H6944] convocation[H4744]; ye shall do[H6213] no servile[H5656] work[H4399].

9. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto Moses[H4872], saying[H559],

10. Speak[H1696] unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], and say[H559] unto them[H935], When ye are come into the land[H776] which I give[H5414] unto you[H7114], and shall reap the harvest[H7105] thereof[H935], then ye shall bring the sheaf[H6016] of the first-fruits[H7225] of your harvest[H7105] unto the priest[H3548]:

11. and he shall wave[H5130] the sheaf[H6016] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068], to be accepted[H7522] for you[H4283]: on the morrow after the sabbath[H7676] the priest[H3548] shall wave it[H5130].

12. And in the day[H3117] when ye wave[H5130] the sheaf[H6016], ye shall offer[H6213] a he-lamb[H3532] without blemish[H8549] a[H1121] year[H8141] old for a burnt-offering[H5930] unto Jehovah[H3068].

13. And the meal-offering[H4503] thereof shall be two[H8147] tenth parts of an ephah[H6241] of fine flour[H5560] mingled[H1101] with oil[H8081], an offering made by fire[H801] unto Jehovah[H3068] for a sweet[H5207] savor[H7381]; and the drink-offering[H5262] thereof shall be of wine[H3196], the fourth[H7243] part of a hin[H1969].

14. And ye shall eat[H398] neither bread[H3899], nor parched grain[H7039], nor fresh ears[H3759], until this selfsame[H6106] day[H3117], until[H5704] ye have brought[H935] the oblation[H7133] of your God[H430]: it is a statute[H2708] for ever[H5769] throughout your generations[H1755] in all your dwellings[H4186].

15. And ye shall count[H5608] unto you from the morrow[H4283] after the sabbath[H7676], from the day[H3117] that ye brought[H935] the sheaf[H6016] of the wave-offering[H8573]; seven[H7651] sabbaths[H7676] shall there be[H1961] complete[H8549]:

16. even unto[H5704] the morrow[H4283] after the seventh[H7637] sabbath[H7676] shall ye number[H5608] fifty[H2572] days[H3117]; and ye shall offer[H7126] a new[H2319] meal-offering[H4503] unto Jehovah[H3068].

17. Ye shall bring out[H935] of your habitations[H4186] two[H8147] wave[H8573] - loaves[H3899] of two[H8147] tenth parts of an ephah[H6241]: they shall be of fine flour[H5560], they shall be baken[H644] with leaven[H2557], for first-fruits[H1061] unto Jehovah[H3068].

18. And ye shall present[H7126] with the bread[H3899] seven[H7651] lambs[H3532] without blemish[H8549] a year[H8141] old[H259], and one young[H1241] bullock[H6499], and two[H8147] rams[H352]: they shall be a burnt-offering[H5930] unto Jehovah[H3068], with their meal-offering[H5930], and their drink-offerings[H5262], even an offering[H4503] made by fire[H801], of a sweet[H5207] savor[H7381] unto Jehovah[H3068].

19. And ye shall offer[H6213] one[H259] he-goat[H5795] for a sin-offering[H2403], and two[H8147] he-lambs[H3532] a[H1121] year[H8141] old for a sacrifice[H2077] of peace-offerings[H2077].

20. And the priest[H3548] shall wave[H5130] them with the bread[H3899] of the first-fruits[H1061] for a wave-offering[H8573] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068], with the two[H8147] lambs[H3532]: they shall be holy[H6944] to Jehovah[H3068] for the priest[H3548].

21. And ye shall make proclamation[H7121] on the selfsame[H6106] day[H3117]; there shall be a holy[H6944] convocation[H4744] unto you[H6213]; ye shall do no servile[H5656] work[H4399]: it is a statute[H2708] for ever[H5769] in all your dwellings[H4186] throughout your generations[H1755].

22. And when ye reap[H7114] the harvest[H7105] of your land[H776], thou shalt not wholly[H3615] reap[H7114] the corners[H6285] of thy field[H7704], neither shalt thou gather[H3950] the gleaning[H3951] of thy harvest[H7105]: thou shalt leave[H5800] them for the poor[H6041], and for the sojourner[H1616]: I am Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430].

23. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto Moses[H4872], saying[H559],

24. Speak[H1696] unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], saying[H559], In the seventh[H7637] month[H2320], on the first[H259] day of the month[H2320], shall be a solemn rest[H7677] unto you[H2146], a memorial of blowing[H8643] of trumpets[H6944], a holy convocation[H4744].

25. Ye shall do[H6213] no servile[H5656] work[H4399]; and ye shall offer[H7126] an offering made by fire[H801] unto Jehovah[H3068].

26. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto Moses[H4872], saying[H559],

27. Howbeit[H389] on the tenth[H6218] day of this seventh[H7637] month[H2320] is the day[H3117] of atonement[H3725]: it shall be a holy[H6944] convocation[H4744] unto you[H6031], and ye shall afflict your souls[H5315]; and ye shall offer[H7126] an offering made by fire[H801] unto Jehovah[H3068].

28. And ye shall do[H6213] no manner of work[H4399] in that same[H6106] day[H3117]; for it is a day[H3117] of atonement[H3725], to make atonement[H3725] for you before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430].

29. For whatsoever soul[H5315] it be that shall not be afflicted[H6031] in that same[H6106] day[H3117]; he shall be cut off[H3772] from his people[H5971].

30. And whatsoever soul[H5315] it be that doeth[H6213] any manner of work[H4399] in that same[H6106] day[H3117], that soul[H5315] will I destroy[H6] from among[H7130] his people[H5971].

31. Ye shall do[H6213] no manner of work[H4399]: it is a statute[H2708] for ever[H5769] throughout your generations[H1755] in all your dwellings[H4186].

32. It shall be unto you a sabbath[H7676] of solemn rest[H7677], and ye shall afflict[H6031] your souls[H5315]: in the ninth[H8672] day of the month[H2320] at even[H6153], from even[H6153] unto even[H6153], shall ye keep[H7673] your sabbath[H7676].

33. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto Moses[H4872], saying[H559],

34. Speak[H1696] unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], saying[H559], On the fifteenth[H2568] day[H3117] of this seventh[H7637] month[H2320] is the feast[H2282] of tabernacles[H5521] for seven[H7651] days[H3117] unto Jehovah[H3068].

35. On the first[H7223] day[H3117] shall be a holy[H6944] convocation[H4744]: ye shall do[H6213] no servile[H5656] work[H4399].

36. Seven[H7651] days[H3117] ye shall offer[H7126] an offering made by fire[H801] unto Jehovah[H3068]: on the eighth[H8066] day[H3117] shall be a holy[H6944] convocation[H4744] unto you[H7126]; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire[H801] unto Jehovah[H3068]: it is a solemn assembly[H6116]; ye shall do[H6213] no servile[H5656] work[H4399].

37. These are the set feasts[H4150] of Jehovah[H3068], which ye shall proclaim[H7121] to be holy[H6944] convocations[H4744], to offer[H7126] an offering made by fire[H801] unto Jehovah[H3068], a burnt-offering[H5930], and a meal-offering[H5930], a sacrifice[H2077], and drink-offerings[H5262], each[H1697] on its own[H3117] day[H3117];

38. besides the sabbaths[H7676] of Jehovah[H3068], and besides your gifts[H4979], and besides all your vows[H5088], and besides all your freewill-offerings[H5071], which ye give[H5414] unto Jehovah[H3068].

39. Howbeit on the fifteenth[H2568] day[H3117] of the seventh[H7637] month[H2320], when ye have gathered[H622] in the fruits[H8393] of the land[H776], ye shall keep[H2287] the feast[H2282] of Jehovah[H3068] seven[H7651] days[H3117]: on the first[H7223] day[H3117] shall be a solemn rest[H7677], and on the eighth[H8066] day[H3117] shall be a solemn rest[H7677].

40. And ye shall take[H3947] you on the first[H7223] day[H3117] the fruit[H6529] of goodly[H1926] trees[H6086], branches[H3709] of palm-trees[H8558], and boughs[H6057] of thick[H5687] trees[H6086], and willows[H6155] of the brook[H5158]; and ye shall rejoice[H8055] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430] seven[H7651] days[H3117].

41. And ye shall keep[H2287] it a feast[H2282] unto Jehovah[H3068] seven[H7651] days[H3117] in the year[H8141]: it is a statute[H2708] for ever[H5769] throughout your generations[H1755]; ye shall keep[H2287] it in the seventh[H7637] month[H2320].

42. Ye shall dwell[H3427] in booths[H5521] seven[H7651] days[H3117]; all that are home-born[H249] in Israel[H3478] shall dwell[H3427] in booths[H5521];

43. that your generations[H1755] may know[H3045] that I made the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] to dwell[H3427] in booths[H5521], when I brought them out[H3318] of the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714]: I am Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430].

44. And Moses[H4872] declared[H1696] unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] the set feasts[H4150] of Jehovah[H3068].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

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