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ASV_Strong : Leviticus 12


1. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto Moses[H4872], saying[H559],

2. Speak[H1696] unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], saying[H559], If a woman[H802] conceive seed[H2232], and bear[H3205] a man-child[H2145], then she shall be unclean[H2930] seven[H7651] days[H3117]; as in the days[H3117] of the impurity[H5079] of her sickness[H1738] shall she be unclean[H2930].

3. And in the eighth[H8066] day[H3117] the flesh[H1320] of his foreskin[H6190] shall be circumcised[H4135].

4. And she shall continue[H3427] in the blood[H1818] of her purifying[H2893] three[H7969] and thirty[H7970] days[H3117]; she shall touch[H5060] no hallowed[H6944] thing[H935], nor come into the sanctuary[H4720], until the days[H3117] of her purifying[H2892] be fulfilled[H4390].

5. But if she bear[H3205] a maid-child[H5347], then she shall be unclean[H2930] two weeks[H7620], as in her impurity[H5079]; and she shall continue[H3427] in the blood[H1818] of her purifying[H2893] threescore[H8346] and six[H8337] days[H3117].

6. And when the days[H3117] of her purifying[H2892] are fulfilled[H4390], for a son[H1121], or for a daughter[H1323], she shall bring[H935] a lamb[H3532] a[H1121] year[H8141] old for a burnt-offering[H5930], and a young[H1121] pigeon[H3123], or a turtle-dove[H8449], for a sin-offering[H2403], unto the door[H6607] of the tent[H168] of meeting[H4150], unto the priest[H3548]:

7. and he shall offer[H7126] it before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068], and make atonement[H3722] for her[H2891]; and she shall be cleansed from the fountain[H4726] of her blood[H1818]. This is the law[H8451] for her that beareth[H3205], whether a male[H2145] or a female[H5347].

8. And if her means suffice not for[H1767] a lamb[H7716], then she shall take two[H8147] turtle-doves[H8449], or two[H8147] young[H1121] pigeons[H3123]; the one[H259] for a burnt-offering[H5930], and the other[H259] for a sin-offering[H5930]: and the priest[H3548] shall make atonement[H3722] for her[H2891], and she shall be clean.

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

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