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ASV_Strong : Daniel 8


1. In the third[H7969] year[H8141] of the reign[H4438] of king[H4428] Belshazzar[H1112] a vision[H2377] appeared[H7200] unto me[H1840], even unto me, Daniel, after[H310] that which appeared[H7200] unto me at the first[H8462].

2. And I saw[H7200] in the vision[H2377]; now it was so[H7200], that when I saw, I was in Shushan[H7800] the palace[H1002], which is in the province[H4082] of Elam[H5867]; and I saw[H7200] in the vision[H2377], and I was by the river[H180] Ulai[H195].

3. Then I lifted up[H5375] mine eyes[H5869], and saw[H7200], and[H5975], behold, there stood before[H6440] the river[H180] a[H259] ram[H352] which had two horns[H7161]: and the two horns[H7161] were high[H1364]; but one[H259] was higher[H1364] than the other[H8145], and the higher[H1364] came up[H5927] last[H314].

4. I saw[H7200] the ram[H352] pushing[H5055] westward[H3220], and northward[H6828], and southward[H5045]; and no beasts[H2416] could stand[H5975] before[H6440] him[H5337], neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand[H3027]; but he did[H6213] according to his will[H7522], and magnified himself[H1431].

5. And as I was considering[H995], behold[H5795], a he - goat[H6842] came[H935] from the west[H4628] over the face[H6440] of the whole earth[H776], and touched[H5060] not the ground[H776]: and the goat[H6842] had a notable[H2380] horn[H7161] between his eyes[H5869].

6. And he came[H935] to the ram[H352] that had[H1167] the two horns[H7161], which I saw[H7200] standing[H5975] before[H6440] the river[H180], and ran[H7323] upon him in the fury[H2534] of his power[H3581].

7. And I saw[H7200] him come[H5060] close unto[H681] the ram[H352], and he was moved with anger[H4843] against him[H5221], and smote the ram[H352], and brake[H7665] his two[H8147] horns[H7161]; and there was no power[H3581] in the ram[H352] to stand[H5975] before[H6440] him[H7993]; but he cast him down to the ground[H776], and trampled[H7429] upon him[H5337]; and there was none that could deliver the ram[H352] out of his hand[H3027].

8. And the he[H6842] - goat[H5795] magnified[H1431] himself exceedingly[H3966]: and when he[H6842] was strong[H6105], the great[H1419] horn[H7161] was broken[H7665]; and instead of it there came up[H5927] four[H702] notable horns toward the four[H702] winds[H7307] of heaven[H8064].

9. And out of one[H259] of them came forth[H3318] a little[H4704] horn[H7161], which waxed exceeding[H3499] great[H1431], toward the south[H5045], and toward the east[H4217], and toward the glorious land[H6643].

10. And it waxed great[H1431], even to the host[H6635] of heaven[H8064]; and some of the host[H6635] and of the stars[H3556] it cast down[H5307] to the ground[H776], and trampled upon them[H7429].

11. Yea[H1431], it magnified itself[H8269], even to the prince of the host[H6635]; and it took away[H7311] from him the continual[H8548] burnt-offering[H4349], and the place of his sanctuary[H4720] was cast down[H7993].

12. And the host[H6635] was given[H5414] over to it together with the continual[H8548] burnt-offering[H6588] through transgression; and it cast down[H7993] truth[H571] to the ground[H776], and it did its pleasure[H6213] and prospered[H6743].

13. Then I heard[H8085] a[H259] holy one[H6918] speaking[H1696]; and another[H259] holy one[H259] said[H559] unto that certain[H6422] one who spake[H1696], How long shall be the vision[H2377] concerning the continual[H8548] burnt-offering[H6588], and the transgression that maketh desolate[H8074], to give[H5414] both the sanctuary[H6944] and the host[H6635] to be trodden under foot[H4823]?

14. And he said[H559] unto me[H505], Unto two thousand and three[H7969] hundred[H3967] evenings[H6153] and mornings[H6944]; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed[H6663].

15. And it came to pass[H1840], when I, even I Daniel, had seen[H7200] the vision[H2377], that I sought[H1245] to understand[H998] it[H5975]; and, behold, there stood before me as the appearance[H4758] of a man[H1397].

16. And I heard[H8085] a man[H120]'s voice[H6963] between the banks of the Ulai[H195], which called[H7121], and said[H559], Gabriel[H1403], make this[H1975] man to understand[H995] the vision[H4758].

17. So he came[H935] near[H681] where I stood[H5977]; and when he came[H935], I was affrighted[H1204], and fell[H5307] upon my face[H6440]: but he said[H559] unto me[H995], Understand, O son[H1121] of man[H120]; for the vision[H2377] belongeth to the time[H6256] of the end[H7093].

18. Now as he was speaking[H1696] with me[H7290], I fell into a deep sleep with my face[H6440] toward the ground[H776]; but he touched[H5060] me[H5975], and set me upright[H5977].

19. And he said[H559], Behold[H3045], I will make thee know what shall be in the latter time[H319] of the indignation[H2195]; for it belongeth to the appointed[H4150] time of the end[H7093].

20. The ram[H352] which thou sawest[H7200], that had[H1167] the two horns[H7161], they are the kings[H4428] of Media[H4074] and Persia[H6539].

21. And the rough[H8163] he[H6842] - goat is the king[H4428] of Greece[H3120]: and the great[H1419] horn[H7161] that is between his eyes[H5869] is the first[H7223] king[H4428].

22. And as for that which was broken[H7665], in the place whereof four[H702] stood up[H5975], four[H702] kingdoms[H4438] shall stand up[H5975] out of the nation[H1471], but not with his power[H3581].

23. And in the latter time[H319] of their kingdom[H4438], when the transgressors[H6586] are come to the full[H8552], a king[H4428] of fierce[H5794] countenance[H6440], and understanding[H995] dark sentences[H2420], shall stand up[H5975].

24. And his power[H3581] shall be mighty[H6105], but not by his own power[H3581]; and he shall destroy[H7843] wonderfully[H6381], and shall prosper[H6743] and do his pleasure[H6213]; and he shall destroy[H7843] the mighty[H6099] ones and the holy[H6918] people[H5971].

25. And through his policy[H7922] he shall cause craft[H4820] to prosper[H6743] in his hand[H3027]; and he shall magnify[H1431] himself in his heart[H3824], and in their security[H7962] shall he destroy[H7843] many[H7227]: he shall also stand up[H5975] against the prince[H8269] of princes[H8269]; but he shall be broken[H7665] without[H657] hand[H3027].

26. And the vision[H4758] of the evenings[H6153] and mornings[H1242] which hath been told[H559] is true[H571]: but shut thou up[H5640] the vision[H2377]; for it belongeth to many[H7227] days to come[H3117].

27. And I[H1840], Daniel, fainted[H1961], and was sick[H2470] certain days[H3117]; then I rose up[H6965], and did[H6213] the king[H4428]'s business[H4399]: and I wondered[H8074] at the vision[H4758], but none understood it[H995].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

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