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ASV_Strong : Job 36


1. Elihu[H453] also proceeded[H3254], and said[H559],

2. Suffer[H3803] me a little[H2191], and I will show[H2331] thee[H4405]; For I have yet somewhat to say on God[H433]'s behalf.

3. I will fetch[H5375] my knowledge[H1843] from afar[H7350], And will ascribe[H5414] righteousness[H6664] to my Maker[H6466].

4. For truly[H551] my words[H4405] are not false[H8267]: One that is perfect[H8549] in knowledge is with thee[H1844].

5. Behold[H410], God is mighty[H3524], and despiseth[H3988] not any[H3524]: He is mighty in strength[H3581] of understanding[H3820].

6. He preserveth not the life[H2421] of the wicked[H7563], But giveth[H5414] to the afflicted[H6041] their right[H4941].

7. He withdraweth[H1639] not his eyes[H5869] from the righteous[H6662]: But with kings[H4428] upon the throne[H3678] He setteth[H3427] them for ever[H5331], and they are exalted[H1361].

8. And if they be bound[H631] in fetters[H2131], And be taken[H3920] in the cords[H2256] of afflictions[H6040];

9. Then he showeth[H5046] them their work[H6467], And their transgressions[H6588], that they have behaved themselves proudly[H1396].

10. He openeth[H1540] also their ear[H241] to instruction[H4148], And commandeth[H559] that they return[H7725] from iniquity[H205].

11. If they hearken[H8085] and serve[H5647] him[H3615], They shall spend their days[H3117] in prosperity[H2896], And their years[H8141] in pleasures[H5273].

12. But if they hearken[H8085] not[H5674], they shall perish by the sword[H7973], And they shall die[H1478] without knowledge[H1847].

13. But they that are godless[H2611] in heart[H3820] lay up[H7760] anger[H639]: They cry[H7768] not for help when he bindeth them[H631].

14. They[H5315] die[H4191] in youth[H5290], And their life[H2416] perisheth among the unclean[H6945].

15. He delivereth[H2502] the afflicted[H6041] by their affliction[H6040], And openeth[H1540] their ear[H241] in oppression[H3906].

16. Yea[H5496], he would have allured thee out of distress[H6310] Into a broad place[H7338], where[H8478] there is no straitness[H4164]; And that which is set[H5183] on thy table[H7979] would be full[H4390] of fatness[H1880].

17. But thou art full[H4390] of the judgment[H1779] of the wicked[H7563]: Judgment[H1779] and justice[H1779] take hold on thee[H8551].

18. For let not wrath[H2534] stir thee up against[H5496] chastisements[H5607]; Neither let the greatness[H7230] of the ransom[H3724] turn thee aside[H5186].

19. Will thy cry[H7769] avail[H6186], that thou be not in distress[H1222], Or all the forces[H3981] of thy strength[H3581]?

20. Desire[H7602] not the night[H3915], When peoples[H5971] are cut off in their place[H5927].

21. Take heed[H8104], regard[H6437] not iniquity[H205]: For this hast thou chosen[H977] rather than affliction[H6040].

22. Behold[H410], God doeth loftily[H7682] in his power[H3581]: Who is a teacher like unto him[H3384]?

23. Who hath enjoined[H6485] him his way[H1870]? Or who can say[H559], Thou hast wrought[H6466] unrighteousness[H5766]?

24. Remember[H2142] that thou magnify[H7679] his work[H6467], Whereof men[H582] have sung[H7891].

25. All men[H120] have looked[H2372] thereon[H582]; Man beholdeth[H5027] it afar off[H7350].

26. Behold[H410], God is great[H7689], and we know[H3045] him not[H4557]; The number of his years[H8141] is unsearchable[H2714].

27. For he draweth up[H1639] the drops[H5198] of water[H4325], Which distil[H2212] in rain[H4306] from his vapor[H108],

28. Which the skies[H7834] pour down[H7491] And drop[H5140] upon man[H120] abundantly[H7227].

29. Yea[H995], can any understand the spreadings[H4666] of the clouds[H5645], The thunderings[H8663] of his pavilion[H5521]?

30. Behold[H6566], he spreadeth his light[H216] around him[H3680]; And he covereth the bottom[H8328] of the sea[H3220].

31. For by these he judgeth[H1777] the peoples[H5971]; He giveth[H5414] food[H400] in abundance[H4342].

32. He covereth[H3680] his hands[H3709] with the lightning[H216], And giveth it a charge[H6680] that it strike the mark[H6293].

33. The noise[H7452] thereof telleth[H5046] concerning him[H4735], The cattle also concerning the storm that cometh up[H5927].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42

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