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ASV_Strong : Job 24


1. Why are times[H6256] not laid up[H6845] by the Almighty[H7706]? And why do not they that know[H3045] him see[H2372] his days[H3117]?

2. There are that remove[H5381] the landmarks[H1367]; They violently take away[H1497] flocks[H5739], and feed them[H7462].

3. They drive away[H5090] the ass[H2543] of the fatherless[H3490]; They take[H2254] the widow[H490]'s ox[H7794] for a pledge[H2254].

4. They turn[H5186] the needy[H34] out of the way[H1870]: The poor[H6041] of the earth[H776] all[H3162] hide themselves[H2244].

5. Behold[H6501], as wild asses in the desert[H4057] They go forth[H3318] to their work[H6467], seeking diligently[H7836] for food[H2964]; The wilderness[H6160] yieldeth them bread[H3899] for their children[H5288].

6. They cut[H7114] their provender[H1098] in the field[H7704]; And they glean[H3953] the vintage[H3754] of the wicked[H7563].

7. They lie all night[H3885] naked[H6174] without clothing[H3830], And have no covering[H3682] in the cold[H7135].

8. They are wet[H7372] with the showers[H2230] of the mountains[H2022], And embrace[H2263] the rock[H6697] for want of a shelter[H4268].

9. There are that pluck[H1497] the fatherless[H3490] from the breast[H7699], And take a pledge[H2254] of the poor[H6041];

10. So that they go[H1980] about naked[H6174] without clothing[H3830], And being hungry[H7457] they carry[H5375] the sheaves[H6016].

11. They make oil[H6671] within[H996] the walls[H7791] of these men[H1869]; They tread their winepresses[H3342], and suffer thirst[H6770].

12. From out of the populous city[H5892] men[H4962] groan[H5008], And the soul[H5315] of the wounded[H2491] crieth out[H7768]: Yet God[H433] regardeth[H7760] not the folly[H8604].

13. These are of them that rebel[H4775] against the light[H216]; They know[H5234] not the ways[H1870] thereof[H3427], Nor abide in the paths thereof[H5410].

14. The murderer[H7523] riseth[H6965] with the light[H216]; He killeth[H6991] the poor[H6041] and needy[H6041]; And in the night[H3915] he is as a thief[H1590].

15. The eye[H5869] also of the adulterer[H5003] waiteth[H8104] for the twilight[H5399], Saying[H559], No eye[H5869] shall see[H7789] me[H5643]: And he disguiseth his face[H6440].

16. In the dark[H2822] they dig through[H2864] houses[H1004]: They shut[H2856] themselves up in the day-time[H3119]; They know[H3045] not the light[H216].

17. For the morning[H1242] is to all of them as[H3162] thick darkness[H6757]; For they know[H5234] the terrors[H1091] of the thick darkness[H6757].

18. Swiftly they pass away[H7031] upon the face of the waters[H6440]; Their portion[H2513] is cursed[H7043] in the earth[H776]: They turn[H6437] not into the way[H1870] of the vineyards[H3754].

19. Drought[H6723] and heat[H2527] consume[H1497] the snow[H7950] waters[H4325]: So doth Sheol[H7585] those that have sinned[H2398].

20. The womb[H7358] shall forget[H7911] him[H7415]; The worm shall feed sweetly[H4988] on him[H2142]; He shall be no more remembered; And unrighteousness[H5766] shall be broken[H7665] as a tree[H6086].

21. He devoureth[H7462] the barren[H6135] that beareth[H3205] not[H3190], And doeth not good to the widow[H490].

22. Yet God preserveth[H4900] the mighty[H47] by his power[H3581]: He riseth up[H6965] that hath no assurance[H539] of life[H2416].

23. God giveth[H5414] them to be in security[H983], and they rest[H8172] thereon[H5869]; And his eyes are upon their ways[H1870].

24. They are exalted[H7426]; yet a little while[H4592], and they are gone[H4355]; Yea, they are brought low, they are taken out[H7092] of the way[H1870] as all others[H5243], And are cut off as the tops[H7218] of the ears of grain[H7641].

25. And if it be not so now[H645], who will prove[H7760] me a liar[H3576], And make[H7760] my speech[H4405] nothing worth[H408]?

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42

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