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ASV_Strong : 1 Kings 4


1. And king[H4428] Solomon[H8010] was king[H4428] over all Israel[H3478].

2. And these were the princes[H8269] whom he had[H5838]: Azariah the son[H1121] of Zadok[H6659], the priest[H3548];

3. Elihoreph[H456] and Ahijah[H281], the sons[H1121] of Shisha[H7894], scribes[H5608]; Jehoshaphat[H3092] the son[H1121] of Ahilud[H286], the recorder[H2142];

4. and Benaiah[H1141] the son[H1121] of Jehoiada[H3077] was over the host[H6635]; and Zadok[H6659] and Abiathar[H54] were priests[H3548];

5. and Azariah[H5838] the son[H1121] of Nathan[H5416] was over the officers[H5324]; and Zabud[H2071] the son[H1121] of Nathan[H5416] was chief minister[H3548], and the king[H4428]'s friend[H7463];

6. and Ahishar[H301] was over the household[H1004]; and Adoniram[H141] the son[H1121] of Abda[H5653] was over the men subject to taskwork[H4522].

7. And Solomon[H8010] had twelve[H8147] officers[H5324] over all Israel[H3478], who provided victuals[H3557] for the king[H4428] and his household[H1004]: each man[H259] had to make provision[H3557] for a month[H2320] in the year[H8141].

8. And these are their names[H8034]: Ben-hur[H1133], in the hill-country[H2022] of Ephraim[H669];

9. Ben-deker[H1128], in Makaz[H4739], and in Shaalbim[H8169], and Beth-shemesh[H1053], and Elon-beth[H358]-hanan;

10. Ben-hesed[H1136], in Arubboth[H700] (to him pertained Socoh[H7755], and all the land[H776] of Hepher[H2660]);

11. Ben-abinadab[H1125], in all the height[H5299] of Dor[H1756] (he had Taphath[H2955] the daughter[H1323] of Solomon[H8010] to wife[H802]);

12. Baana[H1195] the son[H1121] of Ahilud[H286], in Taanach[H8590] and Megiddo[H4023], and all Beth-shean[H1052] which is beside[H681] Zarethan[H6891], beneath Jezreel[H3157], from Beth-shean[H1052] to Abel-meholah[H65], as far as beyond[H5676] Jokmeam[H3361];

13. Ben-geber[H1127], in Ramoth-gilead[H1568] (to him pertained the towns[H2333] of Jair[H2971] the son[H1121] of Manasseh[H4519], which are in Gilead[H1568]; even to him pertained the region[H2256] of Argob[H709], which is in Bashan[H1316], threescore[H8346] great[H1419] cities[H5892] with walls[H2346] and brazen[H5178] bars[H1280]);

14. Ahinadab[H292] the son[H1121] of Iddo[H5714], in Mahanaim[H4266];

15. Ahimaaz[H290], in Naphtali[H5321] (he also took[H3947] Basemath[H1315] the daughter[H1323] of Solomon[H8010] to wife[H802]);

16. Baana[H1195] the son[H1121] of Hushai[H2365], in Asher[H836] and Bealoth[H1175];

17. Jehoshaphat[H3092] the son[H1121] of Paruah[H6515], in Issachar[H3485];

18. Shimei[H8096] the son[H1121] of Ela[H414], in Benjamin[H1144];

19. Geber[H1398] the son[H1121] of Uri[H221], in the land[H776] of Gilead[H1568], the country[H776] of Sihon[H5511] king[H4428] of the Amorites[H567] and of Og[H5747] king[H4428] of Bashan[H1316]; and he was the only[H259] officer[H5333] that was in the land[H776].

20. Judah[H3063] and Israel[H3478] were many[H7227] as the sand[H2344] which is by the sea[H3220] in multitude[H7230], eating[H398] and drinking[H8354] and making merry[H8056].

21. And Solomon[H8010] ruled[H4910] over all the kingdoms[H4467] from the River[H5104] unto the land[H776] of the Philistines[H6430], and unto the border[H1366] of Egypt[H4714]: they brought[H5066] tribute[H4503], and served[H5647] Solomon[H8010] all the days[H3117] of his life[H2416].

22. And Solomon[H8010]'s provision[H3899] for one[H259] day[H3117] was thirty[H7970] measures[H3734] of fine flour[H5560], and threescore[H8346] measures[H3734] of meal[H7058],

23. ten[H6235] fat[H1277] oxen[H1241], and twenty[H6242] oxen[H1241] out of the pastures[H7471], and a hundred[H3967] sheep[H6629], besides harts[H354], and gazelles[H3180], and roebucks[H6643], and fatted[H75] fowl[H1257].

24. For he had dominion[H7287] over all the region on this side[H5676] the River[H5104], from Tiphsah[H8607] even to Gaza[H5804], over all the kings[H4428] on this side[H5676] the River[H5104]: and he had peace[H7965] on all sides[H5650] round about him[H5439].

25. And Judah[H3063] and Israel[H3478] dwelt[H3427] safely[H983], every man[H376] under his vine[H1612] and under his fig-tree[H8384], from Dan[H1835] even to Beer-sheba[H884], all the days[H3117] of Solomon[H8010].

26. And Solomon[H8010] had forty[H705] thousand[H505] stalls[H723] of horses[H5483] for his chariots[H4817], and twelve[H8147] thousand[H505] horsemen[H6571].

27. And those officers[H5324] provided victuals[H3557] for king[H4428] Solomon[H8010], and for all that came[H7131] unto king[H4428] Solomon[H8010]'s table[H7979], every man[H376] in his month[H2320]; they let nothing[H1697] be lacking[H5737].

28. Barley[H8184] also and straw[H8401] for the horses[H5483] and swift steeds[H7409] brought[H935] they unto the place[H4725] where the officers were[H376], every man according to his charge[H4941].

29. And God[H430] gave[H5414] Solomon[H8010] wisdom[H2451] and understanding[H8394] exceeding[H3966] much[H7235], and largeness[H7341] of heart[H3820], even as the sand[H2344] that is on the[H3220] sea-shore[H8193].

30. And Solomon[H8010]'s wisdom[H2451] excelled[H7235] the wisdom[H2451] of all the children[H1121] of the east[H6924], and all the wisdom[H2451] of Egypt[H4714].

31. For he was wiser[H2449] than all men[H120]; than Ethan[H387] the Ezrahite[H250], and Heman[H1968], and Calcol[H3633], and Darda[H1862], the sons[H1121] of Mahol[H4235]: and his fame[H8034] was in all the nations[H1471] round about[H5439].

32. And he spake[H1696] three[H7969] thousand[H505] proverbs[H4912]; and his songs[H7892] were a thousand[H505] and five[H2568].

33. And he spake[H1696] of trees[H6086], from the cedar[H730] that is in Lebanon[H3844] even unto the hyssop[H231] that springeth out[H3318] of the wall[H7023]; he spake[H1696] also of beasts[H929], and of birds[H5775], and of creeping things[H7431], and of fishes[H1709].

34. And there came[H935] of all peoples[H5971] to hear[H8085] the wisdom[H2451] of Solomon[H8010], from all kings[H4428] of the earth[H776], who had heard[H8085] of his wisdom[H2451].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

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