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ASV_Strong : 1 Kings 17


1. And Elijah[H452] the Tishbite[H8664], who was of the sojourners[H8453] of Gilead[H1568], said[H559] unto Ahab[H256], As Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], liveth[H2416], before[H6440] whom I stand[H5975], there shall not be dew[H2919] nor rain[H4306] these years[H8141], but according[H6310] to my word[H1697].

2. And the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068] came unto him[H559], saying,

3. Get[H3212] thee hence[H6437], and turn thee eastward[H6924], and hide[H5641] thyself by the brook[H5158] Cherith[H3747], that is before[H6440] the Jordan[H3383].

4. And it shall be[H8354], that thou shalt drink of the brook[H5158]; and I have commanded[H6680] the ravens[H6158] to feed thee there[H3557].

5. So he went[H3212] and did[H6213] according unto the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068]; for he went[H3212] and dwelt[H3427] by the brook[H5158] Cherith[H3747], that is before[H6440] the Jordan[H3383].

6. And the ravens[H6158] brought[H935] him bread[H3899] and flesh[H1320] in the morning[H1242], and bread[H3899] and flesh[H1320] in the evening[H6153]; and he drank[H8354] of the brook[H5158].

7. And it came to pass after[H7093] a while[H3117], that the brook[H5158] dried up[H3001], because there was no rain[H1653] in the land[H776].

8. And the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068] came unto him[H559], saying,

9. Arise[H6965], get[H3212] thee to Zarephath[H6886], which belongeth to Sidon[H6721], and dwell[H3427] there[H6680]: behold, I have commanded a widow[H490, Ruth2] there to sustain thee[H3557].

10. So he arose[H6965] and went[H3212] to Zarephath[H6886]; and when he came[H935] to the gate[H6607] of the city[H5892], behold[H490], a widow [H802] was there gathering[H7197] sticks[H6086]: and he called[H7121] to her[H559], and said, Fetch[H3947] me[H4592], I pray thee, a little water[H4325] in a vessel[H3627], that I may drink[H8354].

11. And as she was going[H3212] to fetch[H3947] it[H7121], he called to her[H559], and said, Bring[H3947] me[H6595], I pray thee, a morsel of bread[H3899] in thy hand[H3027].

12. And she said[H559], As Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] liveth[H2416], I have[H3426] not a cake[H4580], but a handful[H4393] of meal[H7058] in the jar[H3537], and a little[H4592] oil[H8081] in the cruse[H6835]: and[H7197], behold, I am gathering two[H8147] sticks[H6086], that I may go in[H935] and dress[H6213] it for me and my son[H1121], that we may eat[H398] it[H4191], and die.

13. And Elijah[H452] said[H559] unto her[H3372], Fear not[H935]; go and do[H6213] as thou hast said[H1697]; but make[H6213] me thereof[H8033] a little[H6996] cake[H5692] first[H7223], and bring[H3318] it forth unto me[H314], and afterward make[H6213] for thee and for thy son[H1121].

14. For thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], The jar[H3537] of meal[H7058] shall not waste[H3615], neither shall the cruse[H6835] of oil[H8081] fail[H2637], until the day[H3117] that Jehovah[H3068] sendeth[H5414] rain[H1653] upon[H6440] the earth[H127].

15. And she went[H3212] and did[H6213] according to the saying[H1697] of Elijah[H452]: and she[H1004], and he, and her house, did eat[H398] many days[H3117].

16. The jar[H3537] of meal[H7058] wasted[H3615] not[H6835], neither did the cruse of oil[H8081] fail[H2638], according to the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068], which he spake[H1696] by[H3027] Elijah[H452].

17. And it came to pass after[H310] these things[H1697], that the son[H1121] of the woman[H802], the mistress[H1172] of the house[H1004], fell sick[H2470]; and his sickness[H2483] was so[H3966] sore[H2389], that there was no breath[H5397] left in him[H3498].

18. And she said[H559] unto Elijah[H452], What have I to do with thee[H376], O thou man of God[H430]? thou art come[H935] unto me to bring[H2142] my sin[H5771] to remembrance[H2142], and to slay[H4191] my son[H1121]!

19. And he said[H559] unto her[H5414], Give me thy son[H1121]. And he took[H3947] him out of her bosom[H2436], and carried him up[H5927] into the chamber[H5944], where he abode[H3427], and laid[H7901] him upon his own bed[H4296].

20. And he cried[H7121] unto Jehovah[H3068], and said[H559], O Jehovah[H3068] my God[H430], hast thou also brought evil[H7489] upon the widow[H490] with whom I sojourn[H1481], by slaying[H4191] her son[H1121]?

21. And he stretched[H4058] himself upon the child[H3206] three[H7969] times[H6471], and cried[H7121] unto Jehovah[H3068], and said[H559], O Jehovah[H3068] my God[H430], I pray thee[H3206], let this child's soul[H5315] come[H7725] into him[H7130] again[H7725].

22. And Jehovah[H3068] hearkened[H8085] unto the voice[H6963] of Elijah[H452]; and the soul[H5315] of the child[H3206] came[H7725] into him[H7130] again[H7725], and he revived[H2421].

23. And Elijah[H452] took[H3947] the child[H3206], and brought him down[H3381] out of the chamber[H5944] into the house[H1004], and delivered[H5414] him unto his mother[H517]; and Elijah[H452] said[H559], See[H7200], thy son[H1121] liveth[H2416].

24. And the woman[H802] said[H559] to Elijah[H452], Now[H2088] I know[H3045] that thou art a man[H376] of God[H430], and that the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068] in thy mouth[H6310] is truth[H571].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

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