5 Secrets to running THE marathon

5 Secrets to running THE marathon

The journey of faith is often compared to a marathon, especially in Hebrews 12, where we are encouraged to run with perseverance and endurance. This metaphor emphasizes not only the commitment required but also the long-term mindset necessary to live a life of faith. Here are five key “secrets” to running God’s marathon, drawn from the wisdom of Hebrews 12:

1. Shed All Unnecessary Weight

In any race, carrying excess baggage only slows you down, and the same is true in the race of faith. Hebrews 12:1 advises us to “lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us.” This verse highlights that unnecessary burdens, which may not be sinful but are distractions, can impede our progress. These might include time-consuming hobbies, unproductive relationships, or even an obsession with social media. While these things are not inherently wrong, they can detract from our spiritual focus and growth. By decluttering our lives, we create space for God to move and for us to grow in faith.

2. Focus on Spiritual Health

Just as athletes take care of their physical health to perform well, we must prioritize our spiritual health to thrive in our faith marathon. Hebrews 12:1 encourages us to remove not just the weights but also “the sin which so easily ensnares us.” Sin can be thought of as spiritual poison that compromises our relationship with God and weakens our ability to persevere. By repenting and turning away from sin, we renew our spiritual health, ensuring that we are fit to continue our race with endurance and strength.

3. Cultivate Perseverance

Unlike a sprint, the race of faith is a marathon that requires enduring faith and resilience. Hebrews 12:1-2 encourages us to “run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.” This passage emphasizes the importance of long-term commitment. There will be times of spiritual fatigue, moments when the journey feels overwhelmingly challenging. Just as marathon runners encounter physical and mental walls, we, too, will face spiritual obstacles. In these times, perseverance helps us press on and find a second wind, renewing our energy to continue.

A determined runner on a narrow forest trail at sunset, symbolizing the journey of faith, sheds a backpack behind, symbolizing the removal of unnecessary burdens. The runner focuses on the inviting light ahead, representing perseverance, discipline, and a focused pursuit of spiritual goals amidst life's distractions.

4. Maintain Focus on Jesus

Our faith journey is not about reaching a generic finish line but about focusing on Jesus, who is described as the “author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2). When we keep our eyes on Him, we stay aligned with God’s purpose and avoid distractions. As athletes in a race fix their gaze on the finish line, so should we fix our eyes on Jesus. He endured the cross and scorned its shame, providing us a powerful example of perseverance and unwavering focus on God’s will. This focus also protects us from being sidetracked by secondary issues or theological debates that do not edify our faith journey.

5. Embrace Discipline as Training

Just as athletes undergo rigorous training and correction, we, too, are trained and corrected by God. Hebrews 12:5-11 speaks about the discipline of the Lord as a sign of His love, describing it as a father training his child. This training, though often uncomfortable, is necessary for our spiritual growth. God’s discipline helps refine our character, strip away bad habits, and align our lives with His righteousness. In this context, discipline is not punishment but rather purposeful guidance, intended to make us stronger and better equipped for the race ahead.

By embracing these five secrets—avoiding unnecessary weight, prioritizing spiritual health, cultivating perseverance, maintaining focus on Jesus, and welcoming God’s discipline—we are better equipped to run God’s marathon. Hebrews 12 provides a roadmap for how we can transform our daily walk with God into a purposeful, disciplined, and enduring marathon of faith.

Note: 5 points are extracted from a sermon given at AB Lausanne-Renens Church (église Renens AB). Original sermon in French is available online (Secrets pour réussir le marathon de Dieu (Hébreux 12) ).