Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

KJV Strong Code H6819 : tsa`ar tsaw-ar'


H6819 tsa`ar tsaw-ar' a primitive root; to be small, i.e. (figuratively) ignoble:--be brought low, little one, be small.

KJV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H6819

M / Job 14.21 : His sons come to honor, and he knoweth it not; and they are brought low,[H6819] but he perceiveth it not of them.
M / Jeremiah 30.19 : And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small.[H6819]
M / Zechariah 13.7 : Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the LORD of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones.[H6819]

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