Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code H4919 : Mshillemowth mesh-il-lay-mohth'


H4919 Mshillemowth mesh-il-lay-mohth' plural from 7999; reconciliations:--Meshillemoth, an Israelite:--Meshillemoth. Compare 4921.see H7999 see H4921

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H4919

M / 2 Chronicles 28.12 : Then certain of the heads of the children of Ephraim, Azariah the son of Johanan, Berechiah the son of Meshillemoth[H4919], and Jehizkiah the son of Shallum, and Amasa the son of Hadlai, stood up against them that came from the war,
M / Nehemiah 11.13 : and his brethren, chiefs of fathers' houses, two hundred forty and two; and Amashsai the son of Azarel, the son of Ahzai, the son of Meshillemoth[H4919], the son of Immer,

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