Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code H4008 : mibta` mib-taw'


H4008 mibta` mib-taw' from 981; a rash utterance (hasty vow):--(that which ...) uttered (out of).see H981

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H4008

M / Numbers 30.6 : And if she be married to a husband, while her vows are upon her[H4008], or the rash utterance of her lips, wherewith she hath bound her soul,
M / Numbers 30.8 : But if her husband disallow her in the day that he heareth it[H4008], then he shall make void her vow which is upon her, and the rash utterance of her lips, wherewith she hath bound her soul: and Jehovah will forgive her.

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