Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

KJV Strong Code H1839 : Daniy daw-nee'


H1839 Daniy daw-nee' patronymically from 1835; a Danite (often collectively) or descendants (or inhabitants) of Dan:--Danites, of Dan.see H1835

KJV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H1839

M / Judges 13.2 : And there was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites,[H1839] whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren, and bore not.
M / Judges 18.1 : In those days there was no king in Israel: and in those days the tribe of the Danites[H1839] sought them an inheritance to dwell in; for unto that day all their inheritance had not fallen unto them among the tribes of Israel.
M / Judges 18.11 : And there went from thence of the family of the Danites,[H1839] out of Zorah and out of Eshtaol, six hundred men appointed with weapons of war.
M / Judges 18.30 : And the children of Dan set up the graven image: and Jonathan, the son of Gershom, the son of Manasseh, he and his sons were priests to the tribe of Dan[H1839] until the day of the captivity of the land.
M / 1 Chronicles 12.35 : And of the Danites[H1839] expert in war twenty and eight thousand and six hundred.

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