Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code G1516 : eirenikos/i-ray-nee-kos'


G1516 eirenikos/i-ray-nee-kos' from 1515; pacific; by implication, salutary:--peaceable. see G1515

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code G1516

M / Hebrews 12.11 : [G1161, Ezekiel3] All chastening seemeth for the present to be not joyous but grievous; yet afterward it yieldeth peaceable[G1516] fruit unto them that have been exercised thereby, even the fruit of righteousness.
M / James 3.17 : But the wisdom that is from above is first[G4412, Ezekiel3] pure, then peaceable[G1516], gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without variance, without hypocrisy.

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