Winter JAB Youth Camp (age 18-30) ski, hiking…

Winter JAB Youth Camp (age 18-30) ski, hiking…

Winter JAB Youth Camp (age 18-30) ski, hiking…

An unforgettable week in the mountains for young adults. Moments of worship, prayer, sharing, and various activities like snowshoeing, biathlon, and more. Enjoy the snow and the sun, even if you’re not a skier.

sam. 28 décembre 2024 – ven. 3 janvier 2025

Location / Region

Chalet JAB

102, chemin Echenaz

Les Contamines-Montjoie,France

Main Contact Person for the camp

Joël Hirschy

téléphone : +41 (0)79 368 36 29

email :

Online Registration

French Web Site for all camps run by our parnter (JAB)

JAB Suisse Romande

Extract of camper's experience : from a youth camp (sports, mountain, treks)

During this day, participants faced complex strategic decisions to succeed in a game inspired by Connect Four, where they had to capture zones. Their efforts led them through Swiss landscapes and intellectual challenges, before regrouping for a final that crowned the Cyan team. The day allowed the youth to break out of their daily routine, offering them a mix of competition, exploration, and spiritual meditation, thus strengthening team spirit and personal reflection. ...

Find other testimonials on the JAB website above. Most of the JAB camps organized in Switzerland are under the umbrella of 'Jeunesse et Sports' => Youth and Sports Switzerland in the Trekking Camp Sports category, and all the instructors are trained accordingly.

Thought for the day

Psalms 121:1-2/ KJV

1. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
2. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

The JAB Sports Camps for Kids on YouTube!

See an example of the activities offered at the camps and subscribe to the YouTube channel of JAB Suisse Romande!

The camps are highly sought after and fill up quickly, so sign up now! Here, your little champions aren’t preparing for a marathon, but rather they will experience a fun and diverse sports adventure. Our activities include ball games, running races, swimming workshops, and age-appropriate obstacle courses. Each day presents a new opportunity to have fun and discover new sports in a friendly and safe environment.


Thanks to our many volunteers and the fact that our camps are non-profit, we can offer these camps at very affordable prices. However, if finances are a barrier for a family, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our goal is for every child to be able to participate in a camp.