Cadet Vacation Camp – Isenfluh 2025-07-06

Cadet Vacation Camp – Isenfluh 2025-07-06

Cadet Vacation Camp - Isenfluh 2025/07/06-2025/07/15

groupe jeunes dans la montage, youth group in the mountains during a hike

Cadet Vacation Camp - Isenfluh

Join us for a memorable leisure vacation camp in Isenfluh for children aged 12 to 15. Experience tent camping, sports, and outdoor activities while discovering your Creator through Bible study. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to enjoy nature and make lasting friendships!


Location / Region

Grunderhus Berghaus

CH-3822 Isenfluh


Main Contact Person for the camp

Daniel Eicher

téléphone :

email :

Online Registration

French Web Site for all camps run by our parnter (JAB)

JAB Suisse Romande

Extract of camper's experience : from a youth camp (sports, mountain, treks)

On the sixth day of Senior Camp 2, the participants were immersed in a medieval atmosphere, with King Pierre I orchestrating challenges between knights to control a new kingdom. The youth were engaged in various quests, accumulating resources while navigating complex situations, including battles and strategic improvements to their territory. In the evening, the participants reflected on the spiritual theme of discipleship and couples, emphasizing the importance of centering one's life on God, the only one worthy of reigning in our lives. ...

Find other testimonials on the JAB website above. Most of the JAB camps organized in Switzerland are under the umbrella of 'Jeunesse et Sports' => Youth and Sports Switzerland in the Trekking Camp Sports category, and all the instructors are trained accordingly.

Reasons to come to a summer vacation camp

  • To have a fun vacation and make new friends
  • To have a great time in the mountains!
  • To make friends with other people of my age around a campfire!
  • Commando-style biking! Get ready to dodge rocks, branches, and maybe even a few cows!
  • Campfire cooking! Learn to cook sausages over a fire…or settle for chips when they burn.
  • To Swim, Hike, Play sports with others, and have fun in the sun

Reasons not to come to a summer vacation camp

  • 100% immersive nature? If that means bug bites and dirt under nails, no thanks.
  • Adventure to the top? Why climb when elevators exist, and snacks are just a staircase away?
  • I have to walk my dog every day
  • Too tired from the JAB biking camp!

Camping Fun and Adventure at Unbeatable Prices!

The camps are very popular and fill up quickly, so sign up now! Here, campers aren’t preparing for a marathon, but rather will particapte in a variety of fun activities. Each day offers a new opportunity to have fun and try new sports in a friendly and safe environment. Thanks to our many volunteers and the fact that our camps are non-profit, we can offer these camps at very affordable prices (starting from about 350Fr per week depending on location and duration of the camp). However, if financial constraints remain a barrier for a family, please contact us.

see also: summer camps for children/youth in Canton Vaud (map locations) and Youth Activities