4 key points : Revelation Bible Study 10: The Woman, The Child, The Dragon, and the Two Beasts

4 key points : Revelation Bible Study 10: The Woman, The Child, The Dragon, and the Two Beasts

sermon extract Église Renens AB - (Contact)

Understanding the Woman and the Dragon

The sermon discusses the symbolic representation of the woman as the faithful community and the dragon as the adversary. This sets the stage for understanding the spiritual conflict that unfolds in the narrative of Revelation. Emphasizing that the fight is not merely physical but deeply spiritual, it invites the congregation to consider their place in this cosmic struggle.

The Significance of the Child

The child represents hope and divine purpose amid chaos and opposition. The sermon notes the child’s destiny to rule the nations and how this symbolizes God’s redemptive plan. It encourages believers to find strength in the promise of victory through Christ, who ultimately overcomes evil.

The Two Beasts and the Mark of the Beast

The two beasts represent powerful forces that deceive and mislead humanity, warning against the allure of false teachings. The mark of the beast is discussed as a symbol of allegiance to these forces, challenging believers to discern where they place their loyalties. The sermon urges the congregation to resist conforming to societal pressures that compromise their faith.

The Call to Faithfulness

In conclusion, the sermon emphasizes the call to remain faithful in the midst of trials and tribulations. Believers are reminded that their struggles are not in vain and that God’s protection is promised to those who trust in Him. It encourages an active engagement in spiritual practices that strengthen faith and resilience against challenges.

sermon summary : Revelation Bible Study 10: The Woman, The Child, The Dragon, and the Two Beasts:This sermon delves into the powerful imagery found in Revelation, focusing on the struggle between good and evil. It highlights the significance of the woman, child, and dragon as symbols of faith, protection, and opposition. The message emphasizes the awareness of spiritual warfare and the importance of remaining steadfast in faith. Lastly, a warning about the mark of the beast serves as a reminder to uphold one’s beliefs in the face of societal pressures.

The sermon analyzes the chapter available in the Young Bible below, see the full text by following the link

Revelation 12:1-5/ Young

1. And a great sign was seen in the heaven, a woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars,
2. and being with child she doth cry out, travailing and pained to bring forth.
3. And there was seen another sign in the heaven, and, lo, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his head seven diadems,
4. and his tail doth draw the third of the stars of the heaven, and he did cast them to the earth; and the dragon did stand before the woman who is about to bring forth, that when she may bring forth, her child he may devour;
5. and she brought forth a male child, who is about to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, and caught away was her child unto God and His throne,

See also : Revelation Bible Study 10: The Woman, The Child, The Dragon, and the Two Beasts

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